Michigan Attorney General Promises ‘A Drag Queen In Every School’

Back in 1932, Republicans promised a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage to signal the prosperity they would bring. Thanks to Joe Biden destroying the economy, prosperity is no longer possible so democrats are promising a big hairy man in every school to groom your children. Seriously, Michigan’s gay Attorney General promised a “drag queen in every school.”

Here’s something interesting from Craig Mauger of The Detroit News:

Drag queens are fun? No, they’re actually quite disturbing. There’s nothing fun about a grown man with an unsightly bulge, wearing a dress and make-up. Remember what a fright-show Michelle Obama was?

I also fail to see how drag queens make everything better. Or anything. Like if you were at a restaurant enjoying an meal and then suddenly a freaky dude in lingerie started singing to you, would you say he improved your dining experience? No, you wouldn’t and your children sure as hell won’t feel like drag queens pole-dancing during story hour makes it more entertaining.

Drag queens are freakier than clowns and clowns scare the shit out of kids. It also creates all kinds of uncomfortable conversations when the kids come home from school.

“Dad, why do some men wear women’s clothing and act flamboyantly weird?”

My grandfather, who was the kindest person who ever lived, had the best take on this. The story goes that  when my dad was young, he asked my grandpa why some people were gay.

“Well son, sometimes nature plays a cruel trick on people,” replied Gramps.

Not only was my grandpa a WWII vet, he was very wise man.

What this drag queen in every school business is really about is grooming kids to become gay and more importantly to be molested. The progressive left wants to teach kids as young as kindergarten about graphic gay sex and they use things like drag queen performances to normalize, as well as glamorize, the lifestyle.

School is supposed to be a vehicle to prepare kids for success in adulthood. They’re supposed to learn reading, writing, math, and science. It doesn’t seem like any of that is taught anymore. It’s all Critical Race Theory and Critical Butt-Sex Theory. I’m unaware of any jobs that require gay indoctrination studies besides gay porn star.

Schools allow parents to opt out of things like Christmas pageants and Halloween parties, so why don’t they at least give ’em a heads up when there’s going to be a transgender freak telling their kids about the wonders of fisting?

Meanwhile, this definitely signals the point where democrats realize they can’t win an election. When you’re promising a drag queen in every school, it’s an indication that you hope there’s enough people who blindly vote for democrats because you have nothing real to offer voters.