Did Adam Kinzinger Fake A Death Threat Letter?

Adam Kinzinger is most famous for being a RINO traitor but what he’d really like to be known as is a victim. Recently he revealed a death threat letter sent to his wife, but the chances of it being real are the same as Kinzinger having any sort of political career.

Here’s Kinzinger showing he’s more needy than AOC:

The letter was addressed to Kinzinger’s wife Sofia and reads:


You are one stupid c*nt!

That pimp you married not only broke his oath, he sold his soul. Yours and Christian’s too! Adam’s actions have not only hurt this country, but countless patriotic and God fearing families.

Therefore, although it may take time, he will be executed. But don’t worry! You and Christian will be joining Adam in hell too!

We find it blasphemous that you name the son of the devil Christian!

Christian, BTW, is Kinszinger’s infant son.

First off, that ain’t a death threat. Saying, “you will be executed” isn’t the same thing as “we will execute you.” It’s actually an important distinction in death threats. Vaguely predicting a person’s death is different than threatening to make that death happen.

Next, the wording in the letter is eerily similar to a letter Kinzinger claims was sent to him by his family members. They call him blasphemous and the devil. In that letter, it also mentions that Kinzinger sold his soul and betrayed his oath. That can’t be a coincidence.

And, as several Twitter users have pointed out, the handwriting in Kinzinger’s “death threat” letter looks exactly like Kinzinger’s own handwriting:


It’s not just a couple of letters that look that same, it’s all identical. Again, this can’t be a coincidence.

We have the means but what about the motive? Here’s Kinzinger on one of his daily liberal media appearances:

Kinzinger basically says that there will be violence until everyone accepts the “truth” of the January 6 committee. Not only is he trying to get attention, he wants people to think there are dire consequences for questioning the democrats’ bullshit “deadly insurrection” narrative.

Also, in that video, Kinzinger is not at all concerned that he received a threat against him and his family, lending to the theory that none of this is real.

The biggest reason to doubt the legitimacy of this “death threat” letter however is, who even gives a shit about Adam Kinzinger? No seriously, he’s an insignificant RINO who has been isolated by the Republican Party and won’t seek reelection because he knows he’s done. Literally nobody takes him seriously or worries that he’s a threat.