In 1981, John Hinkley Jr. shot President Ronald Reagan because he thought it would impress actress Jodie Foster. He was found not guilty by reason of insanity and had been in an insane asylum until earlier this year. Now that he is out, he’s looking at a new career as liberal media darling and anti-gun crusader.
In one of the most shameful moments in fake news history, ABC News did a fluff interview to help Hinkley repair his public image. Juju Chang, gave Hinkley credit for being the catalyst for modern gun control and the passage of the Brady background check law:
“The Brady Law ushered in a waiting period and background checks, especially with regard to people who are suffering mental illness,” said Chang.
“I certainly don’t think the mentally ill should have access to guns. I mean that’s kind of obvious. Background checks are good and waiting periods are good. I think there’s too many guns in America,” said Hinkley.
Then, Chang anointed Hinkley the new face of gun control:
“And coming from you, that’s quite a statement,” Chang said.
“I hope it is because that’s the way I feel,” Hinkley said.
There you go: the crazy mother*cker who shot Reagan thinks crazy mother*ckers shouldn’t have guns.
This is the liberal media saying, “we need gun control in this country so bad that even John Hinkley Jr. says we do.” It however doesn’t come out the way they want because Hinkley is still very visibly insane. This is more like if Bill Clinton did a PSA telling people that rape is bad.
Hinkley also said that he thinks there’s too many guns in America, which would indicate he favors some sort of a ban as well as a confiscation program. You can see why the liberal media is suddenly in love with this dangerous madman.
In a further effort to help Hinkley look like a good guy, Chang let him explain how he has paid his debt to society:
“Do you think you paid your debt to society?” Chang asked.
“Yes I do,” replied Hinkley.
“In what way?” Change asked.
“I worked hard to overcome my illness and I’m trying to give back to the world through my music and my art and that’s kind of my way of paying my debt to society,” Hinkley said.
So he almost assassinated the President of the United States, shot two Secret Service agents, and turned James Brady into a vegetable but he’s paid his debt because he now makes shitty music?
Yeah, Hinkley makes shitty music now. Check it out:
The sad thing is, Chang didn’t challenge this at all. The reason has to be because ABC is interested in casting Hinkley as a good guy who wants more gun control in this country.
And it’s not just ABC, this is a coordinated effort on the part of the liberal media. Last week, CBS also did a fluff interview with Hinkley in witch they let him excuse his attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan on the fact that he was feeling isolated at the time. This is the liberal media at their most shameless.
John Hinkley Jr. is now a hero to the left because he favors gun control. Guess what? Adolf Hitler loved gun control too. Will the liberal media be doing fluff pieces to help repair his image?