Gun Control Activists Send 52 Busses To Ted Cruz’s House For Some Reason

I’ve never understood how protesters think whining about stupid shit is supposed to affect meaningful change. I understand this even less. Some gun control activists sent 52 busses to Republican Senator Ted Cruz’s house to … I actually have no idea what they thought was going to happen.

The Hill reports on this very stupid thing:

A gun control group on Thursday sent a mile-long convoy of 52 buses to the home of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and filled the empty seats of the lead bus with the personal memorabilia of children who have died during school shootings.

The organization, Change the Ref, said the fleet of buses — part of a movement called The Yellow Bus Project —traveled to Cruz’s home in Houston, where founders Manuel and Patricia Oliver left a hand-written letter for the GOP senator, who was not home.

The letter was written by the Oliver’s late son, Joaquin, who was among the 17 students who died in the 2018 high school shooting in Parkland, Fla. Joaquin Oliver wrote the letter to Cruz when he was 12 years old, urging the senator to support universal background checks.

Is it weird that a 12-year-old was so concerned about gun control? Clearly the parents were behind the letter and forcing their wokeness on their kid.

On Wednesday, the bus convoy assembled to park in the shape of an assault rifle in Houston before the fleet traveled to Cruz’s home on Thursday morning.

Yeah, they really did that:

The question is, why?

Manuel Oliver said the empty seats on the 52 buses represented the 4,368 children who have died from gun violence since 2020, becoming the leading cause of death for children in the U.S.

But most of those “children” are teenaged gang bangers who died doing illegal shit. It’s not like like thousands of innocent young children are gunned down every year.

The mile-long bus convoy is called the NRA Children’s Museum.

I hate to burst their bubble, but that ain’t a mile of busses. The most common school bus is 35-feet long but there are larger ones at 45-feet. Will give them the benefit of the doubt and say they got the big ones. Still, 45 feet by 52 busses is only 2,340 feet, well short of the 5,280 feet in a mile. They actually need 117 busses for a mile of busses.

“To commemorate this horrific historic moment, we are showing American voters the toll these politicians have taken on our children’s lives with this all-too-real archive. And this is only the beginning. We will not stop with Sen. Ted Cruz. To every politician who has stood by, taken NRA money, and refused to listen to the people they represent: the museum is on the way to honor you next,” said Manuel Oliver.

Cool. Now do the Planned Parenthood Baby Museum bus tour of pro-death democrats who take money from the abortion industry. The will definitely need more busses to represent the 2 million unborn babies killed since 2020. Also, I’d like to point out that abortion is the actual leading killer of children.

Which brings us back to the question: what is the actual point of this? Do these nutjobs think Ted Cruz is going to see 52 empty busses driving by his house and suddenly decide he doesn’t support the 2nd Amendment any more?

And while we’re on the subject, obviously people donated money to these gun control kooks and this is what they did with the money? I bet if they said, “Please donate money so we can drive busses past Ted Cruz’s house,” there would have been a lot less donations.”