The Obiden Regime, as usual, is trying to defy the courts and state laws to push a radical agenda.
Note: This illegitimate communist regime has little respect for the rule of law.
Now, it is trying to force hospitals nationwide to provide abortions, even though this might go against hospital policy and state law.
From The Epoch Times:
Texas on July 14 sued the federal government over a recent document that says abortions must be performed even if the procedures are not allowed by state laws.
The guidance amounts to an abortion mandate and is illegal because it violates multiple laws, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a Republican, said.
Either Joe-Joe or the forces behind the screen imagine Joe-Joe to be a dictator.
In what reality does a president have the right to mandate abortions, even when the Supreme Court ruled only states can decide abortion policy?
The Obiden Regime and its democrat-communist cabal are becoming so desperate, that they’ll do what seems to be anything to protect their radical agenda.
Texas AG Ken Paxton is fighting back, saying this ruling is illegal and violates “multiple laws.”
Texas will most certainly not be the only state to push back against this new order. Perhaps every red state that is banning abortion will join the suit.
Obiden pushed numerous “mandates” that jeopardized American jobs. It took numerous court cases to end most of them.
The Regime also defied federal courts and the Supreme Court by ending the “Remain in Mexico” policy.
What won’t this [regime] do to circumvent the Constitution and the will of the people?
Final thought: Conservatives must band together against this common enemy: democrat-communism. The Republican Party is practically useless with many of its representatives and senators sitting on their thumbs unwilling to assist Conservatism.