Op-Ed: The Murder of an American Veteran Is Being Covered Up

Though the Jan. 6 committee recently wrapped up this period of its “investigation” into the so-called “insurrection” that took place at the U.S. Capitol a year and a half ago, We the People are left with a burning anticipation for the resumption of a full investigation into that which was purposely omitted from this show trial.

For instance, the purposeful killing of veteran Ashli Babbitt.

This from westernjournal.com.

Let’s review the scenario based on video taken at the scene:

Babbitt attended the rally alongside others. In the midst of it, Babbitt—who was unarmed at the time—raised her head up to a broken window.

Just as she moved her head through the opening, plainclothes Capitol Police officer Lt. Michael Byrd fired a shot, sending her falling back into the crowd. Babbitt would die from her wounds as blood poured out of her mouth.

A full-scale investigation should have occurred since the standard protocol wasn’t followed for a plainclothes officer opening fire on an unarmed civilian. Even in the face of what some call a riot, there’s no excuse for making a split-second decision like that, especially one resulting in the death of someone like Babbitt.

Some may believe that Babbitt’s demise was simply the result of a “hate mob” storming the Capitol. But let’s take a closer look at the facts and why an investigation is warranted.

There are standardized procedures in place to investigate tragic incidents involving a law enforcement officer having to shoot a suspect perceived as a threat.

It is standard protocol when an officer discharges his weapon for that officer to be placed on administrative leave. An independent outside authority investigates the incident to determine the factual basis of the shooting and the circumstances surrounding it.

Several aspects were inconsistent with the standard protocol. The incident never received a proper investigation by an outside agency but was merely given what’s called a “cursory overview” by an internal division.

There’s one problem, though: This division never got around to questioning Byrd’s actions, and no independent reports reviewed by prosecuting agencies were ever made. So the real question is, why?

Let’s dig a little deeper into this.

  • First, the circumstances surrounding a shooting ask for the officer to defend himself using justifiable deadly force. It’s essential that a reasonably perceived threat exists to the officer, his partners or any innocent civilians in harm’s way.

As someone who’s been involved with law enforcement for over 30 years, I know this by the book. And nothing about the Babbitt shooting was by the book.

  • Secondly, it should be noted that Babbitt had already walked through a metal detector, had no weapons or firearms on her person, and was carrying nothing in her hands. Moreover, video from the scene showed that she even attempted to help law enforcement de-escalate the situation.

We the People must question what has happened with the Jan. 6 committee. From all appearance, it exists solely to destroy its opponents, namely former President Trump and his supporters. But in the process, the murder of an innocent American veteran is being covered up, with barely any question as to what happened to her.

The committee is set to reconvene in September, but judging by what we’ve seen, it’s unlikely it will investigate what truly must be investigated unless there is sufficient public outcry between now and then.

Certainly, once Conservatism returns to the helm of American leadership an all-encompassing investigation into the January 6 event and its related cover-up must ensue.

A partisan narrative must not be the final answer. We the People must demand an investigation into the killing of Ashli Babbitt instead of an over-simplified glossing over in a distorted form of political justice.

This must be done in defiance of the current two-tiered system of justice and because we owe it to Ashli and to those she left behind.