Maria Bartiromo GOES OFF After Being Asked about Obiden Regime Blaming GOP for Open Borders Disaster (VIDEO)

Maria Bartiromo joined FOX and Friends Sunday morning to preview her show Sunday Morning Futures.

This from

Maria was asked about Karine Jean-Pierre blaming Republicans for “playing politics” with Joe Biden’s open southern border.

Maria Bartiromo WENT OFF:

I think Karine Jean-Pierre’s answer is about two words, “as if.” 

As if the border is closed.

As if they are not conducting a dereliction of duty.

As if they are not using migrants as pawns by keeping an open border and hoping they will get Democrat voters.

As if recession doesn’t mean recession. It’s all the same talking points and it’s all the same ignoring something that is absolutely against what the American people want…

As if there weren’t massive amounts of fentanyl killing Americans getting seized at the border.

As if people were not getting raped on their dangerous trek to America. It is all extraordinary and it’s all dereliction of duty.


To watch entire response by Maria, click HERE.


Thank you for saying what we all have been discussing with one another, Maria. You are amazing. Now, however, you, Tucker, Gutfeld, and perhaps one or two others must move to a new network. FOX has long left the side of Conservatism.