How about some light reading for a Saturday morning, Def-Con News readers?
There is a serious story here, however. One that merits the attention of Americans and, frankly, the rest of the world.
It is the story of a corrupt FBI—an entity that is behaving like the East German Stasi or the old Soviet Union’s KGB—and like the Stasi and the KGB of old it must be radically changed.
This from

The FBI is now the political police dedicated to protecting the communist machine and punishing anyone who dares support President Trump. The FBI’s attempt to smear and discredit Trump stands in sharp contrast to its treatment of Hillary Clinton.
Here are the facts:
– President Trump was the ultimate authority to classify and declassify intelligence when he was President.
– He declassified the documents in his possession at Mar-a-Lago before leaving office. That means that even if a document stored at his Florida residence is stamped TOP SECRET or GAMMA or TALENT KEYHOLE, it is no longer classified.
– There is no grey area here. Trump had the ultimate authority to declassify anything while he was President, including information pertaining to nuclear weapons and intelligence buried in Special Access Programs aka SAPs.
As understood, President Trump has CIA/FBI SAPs that detail the 2016 plot to portray him as a toady of Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin.
Too bad for the CIA and FBI. Trump had the full legal authority to declassify that intelligence product.
The CIA and FBI are frantic to protect the identities of the British , Australian, and Italian intelligence personnel who helped plant evidence to frame people working for Trump. That is one of the motives behind the decision to raid Trump’s Florida residence and try to keep that information from the public.
Much to the contrary, Hillary Clinton is an un-indicted criminal in the opinion of many legal experts.
When she was Secretary of State under Obama, she removed classified material, stored it on a personal server and then subsequently obstructed justice by ordering the destruction of a subpoenaed hard drive that contained the evidence of her crimes.
James Comey admitted that Hillary had TOP SECRET SAP material on an unclassified drive. But Comey lied when he insisted he could not prove that this was a deliberate act. NONSENSE!
TOP SECRET material available to the Secretary of State (Clinton’s role at the time) sits on a TOP SECRET server.
That server has no connection to SECRET or UNCLASSIFIED computers.
To put a TOP SECRET document on an unclassified computer you must either print the document from the TS server and then scan it into the unclass or you must copy it to a thumb drive and then physically transfer it to the unclass system.
You cannot do this accidentally.
It is a purposeful, deliberate act. PERIOD. No grey area.
Larry Johnson wrote about this a few years back. There were even whistleblowers who went to the FBI to report Hillary’s illegal activity.
One year before Jim Comey was immersed in his plot to overthrow Donald Trump, the duly elected President of the United States, a brave Foreign Service Officer at the U.S. Department of State came forward with firsthand information of Hillary Clinton’s rampant abuse of Classified material.
The man, a senior State Department diplomat who had served as the acting Ambassador (Chargé d’Affaires) in the Asia Pacific region under President Clinton, also was a veteran of the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War.
The FBI’s conduct and actions towards Donald Trump versus how they treated Hillary Clinton show gross bias and lawlessness.
There was a meeting at DOJ headquarters in June of 2016 that was attended by a small number of DOJ and FBI officials. The attendees included FBI Director Jim Comey, DOJ’s Rod Rosenstein and FBI Special Agent Tim Thibault.
It was at that meeting that Comey shut down the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s server. He did not want to hurt her Presidential campaign.
There is documented evidence of this meeting and the actions taken that currently are in the hands of a judge.
In short, rather than follow the law and apply it regardless of the political or socio-economic status of the accused person–Clinton in this case–the FBI and DOJ put their thumb on the scale of justice and did Hillary a favor.
In contrast to the kid glove treatment of Clinton, the FBI and DOJ continue to try to manufacture a crime in order to keep Trump from running for President. It is that simple.
The Constitution of the United States and the rule of law in the United States are now on the chopping block. It is up to the Federal Courts and Federal prosecutors to set this right.
We the People are not optimistic the rule of law will be followed.
However, for the survival of our Constitutional Republic, corrections to numerous corrupt entities must be made.
More specifically the FBI and DOJ, as well as many other governmental three-digit palaces of unscrupulous, unethical nefariousness must be destroyed—much as JFK is credited to having said of the CIA: “splinter the C.I.A. in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.”
This degree of destruction must be performed upon each and every three-digit entity within D.C.’s house of communist corruption.
And We the People have confidence that President Trump is the one individual, if anyone, who can bring about this necessary degree of correction without our nation being pulled apart by Civil War II.
God speed to Conservatism.
And God speed to the demise of American Communism.