Op-Ed: Gen. Flynn—To My Friends and Fellow Citizens – We Have a War to Wage

There are many stories of individual survival, but this is not one of them. This is a story of the survival of a nation—Our Nation.

This from westernjournal.com.

Many months ago, I met a lovely young lady who was dealing with stage 4 papillary thyroid cancer, which affects her throat and voice. She never let on she had it, nor demonstrated by any stretch that she was a victim.

“Instead, she showed those of us around her what it means to have true strength.”

She also has a beautiful voice and readily shares it with audiences to inspire and motivate, despite dealing with a life-threatening disease. She is the adopted daughter of an Air Force master sergeant and a naturalized U.S. citizen.

“Her name and her story are one and the same: “Miracle.”

There are countless wars to be fought, and evil still needs to be defeated around the world on distant shores, while there are many men and women willing to risk their lives to ensure that evil doesn’t come to our shores:

“Suddenly what we thought unfathomable in our lifetimes has arrived.”

We now have a responsibility to them and to ourselves to stand up right here, at home, for the very same causes we once thought would only be found on distant shores.

“It was once said that a man (or woman) who stands for nothing will fall for anything.”

Have faith and be proud of our heritage! Do not be intimidated or ashamed of wrongs committed in the past, or even of generational sins for which blame does not rest upon your shoulders.

Many of us have no idea what our ancestors did or did not do, but I speak for myself and at least most of you when I say that we have worked toward a better America and will continue to do so!

“I believe that we will be victorious.”

And while it may appear that the last of the highest mountains in our United States is about to be engulfed in the rising waters of a socialist tide, the strength and resilience of America’s tree of liberty will never let this happen.

It will take effort and consistency. Yes, our local actions will have a national impact if we weigh in together. We must join hands in this battle for America and for true freedom.

There are those who are seeing through rose-tinted glasses the ideologies of failed governments and lost people.

That road has been traveled by many before us and, in most cases, has been a one-way street to destruction from which there was no recovery.

I am sure that there are many good-hearted people who believe the daily lies told by those who wish to see America brought to its knees at the feet of all countries, including third-world countries, whose people continue to endure sad and wretched lives.

We are being attacked on so many fronts that we cannot see from which direction the attacks are coming.

The institutions that we should trust, such as the media, our education system, our justice system (including some in the judiciary), our political leaders and, yes, even our church leaders have let us down, allowing those on the slippery slope to weaken the important messages of freedom and liberty and the battle plans those American citizens need so desperately to hear.

“We must not bend to the pressure of the day. Ours is not a choice, but a necessity.”

We have a responsibility to those who come after us, those future generations of Americans who count on us at this moment as we counted on generations throughout our nation’s storied history.

We cannot selfishly hold dear to our hearts the freedoms, rights and privileges that were handed to us; instead, we must try to imagine what it must have been like for those who truly risked their lives to escape a regime to get to this country, especially for those whose blood now runs deep in our very soil from their sacrifices and respect for God, authority, our flag and respect itself.

“And if we remain true to who we are as a nation, we will be like Miracle.”

America was established upon a set of Judeo-Christian principles and values. Our founders, every one of them, were survivors thriving with life—exactly like the tree of liberty, able to withstand the storms raging around them.

“May our feet forever remain firm in freedom’s soil.”

Might this be our call to arms? Not necessarily—at least not in the original sense of the phrase. However, may these words of General Flynn be an awakening to what is happening around us, what is being done to our nation, our way of life, and our culture. May this be our call to preparation.

Barack Hussein Obama entered our lives as the horrific divider. He was handed a great opportunity to pull us closer together—as a nation, but that was not his mission, as could be foretold from his initial words. He set black and white upon one another, and turned young against old, wealthy against poor, immigrant against citizen, and democrat communist against republican.

Never before have we as Americans been so pulled apart. We have retreated to our respective corners and we are now plotting against our perceived enemies. However, let us not be divided upon religious or racial lines or differences of financial wherewithal. Let us rethink who our actual enemy is.

For our true, common enemy is those who are nurturing communism between our shores. We must rid ourselves of them for they cannot be simply reeducated. But we must be cautious and await proper notification. When the time comes we will know it. Prepare and Stand Ready. Lone wolves accomplish nothing for us, rather they provide rationale for our enemies to increase their rhetoric against us.

God speed to the return of Our Constitutional Republic.

And God speed to the demise of communism in America.