**PATRIOT WITH BULLHORN** Interrupts Joe-Joe’s Sick Speech — Protester Screams “F*ck Joe Biden!”

Did Joe Biden declare war on President Donald Trump and his 75 million-plus supporters Thursday night?

This from thegatewaypundit.com.

Joe-Joe’s was clearly the most disgusting speech given by an American career politician in the history of this previously-long-time and certainly-again Constitutional Republic.

Biden lied repeatedly about the economy, MAGA Republicans, and the current state of America and he labeled his opposition ‘white supremacists.’

One protester chanted: “F*ck Joe Biden!”

Listen closely. The chant is barely audible, but it is undeniably there.


Final thought: I recently read that we are already at WAR–that the technical condition is ‘War of Words’–an ‘Information War.’

This may or may not be true, but We Patriots must not be drawn in. If Civil War II is to be, the forces are already arrayed against one another. The last thing needed right now is for any of us to muddy the waters.

Let us remain in our homes, safeguarding our loved ones and our property. If needed, we will become the ever-important backup.


Prepare for the worst; hope and pray for something less so.


And most importantly, F*CK JOE BIDEN.