President Trump Has Gone Where No One Has Ever Gone Before

A huge chunk of America is still reeling from that bizarre, dark, “Hitler-esque” speech Joe Biden delivered while bathed in a creepy blood-red glow.

This from

It was one of the most unnerving and weird spectacles any of us has ever witnessed a career politician of this once-great nation make.

Not only was the speech hateful and divisive, but while Joe Biden is calling MAGA “fascists” and “extremists” he’s standing there literally looking and sounding like the second coming of Hitler.

This photo will define Joe Biden’s insane “presidency.”

This image will be used in countless 2022 and 2024 campaign ads. But it will still never capture how truly demonic and strange this elderly dementia-riddled man is.

Joe Biden has lost his mind, we know. And his keepers have likewise gone over the edge. We are in grave danger and this communist cabal must be stopped.

President Trump talked about that creepy speech during his positive, happy, and energetic rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday night. Trump called the speech vicious and hateful, and then he went where nobody has ever gone before with a “US President.”


President Trump called Joe Biden an “enemy of the state.”


And this is exactly correct.

This is what President Trump said:


The most vicious, hateful, and divisive speech ever delivered by a [U.S.] President… you’re all enemies of the state. He’s an enemy of the state, if you want to know the truth. The enemy of the state is him and the group that controls him.




The contrast between what the communists are presenting—this dark, dystopian communist “climate change” nightmare versus a bright, light, hopeful America-First agenda—has never been more apparent.


We the People see we have big choices in 2022 and 2024.


There was a time when the democrat party was at least reasonable, and we could rationalize how some of these idiots could be elected. But what they have become is a stark contrast to what Truman democrats presented.


[They] did not have this dark, vile energy that they do now.


The mask is off, and Americans MUST choose which road they want to go down—one of a bright, hopeful future or one of dark servitude to tyrannical arbitrary and capricious leadership.