A tiny eight-week-old puppy had been discarded like rubbish, the belief is, due to a leg deformity that leaves her struggling to walk.
Is this not a perfect analogy of what the New World Order is striving to create for humanity?
This from msn.com.
Winnie the pup was found in a trash bin by a member of the public near Riverside Leisure Centre, off Westgate Street, in Gloucester on August 28th.
RSPCA Animal Rescue Officer Freya Lamb said:
A passerby saw someone get out of a white van and chuck, what they initially thought was a plastic bag, onto a pile of rubbish that had been left like a bin by the gate to Westgate Park.
When they went to investigate they realized it was a little puppy who had been cruelly thrown onto the pile of rubbish.
They took her straight to a local vet who contacted us for help.
Look at that face.
The sweet little girl was taken to the charity’s Cotswolds Dogs & Cats Home, in Cambridge, Gloucestershire, where she’s now getting round-the-clock care from staff member and fosterer Ebony Poole.
The team strongly suspect that Winnie was abandoned so cruelly because of a deformity in one of her front legs.
The trash bin in which Winnie was found.

Haley Medlock, who works at the rescue center, said:
Poor Winnie had been cruelly dumped in a bin like rubbish. It’s utterly shocking.
We believe she’d been abandoned due to a deformity to one of her front legs which caused her elbow to be fused at an angle, leaving her unable to walk.
It may be that her owner was unable to afford the veterinary treatment she needed or, as a breeder, may have felt they wouldn’t be able to sell her in such a state.
Either way, to abandon her and leave her so helpless is completely unacceptable.
Impossible not to love that face.
Sadly, Winnie’s leg problems aren’t her only health issues—the poor little girl has also been suffering from seizures of which the vets must still determine the cause.
Despite her health problems and troubled past, however, Winnie is an absolute sweetheart.
Final thoughts: This little one started out life in a rough spot. I imagine she’ll be given special care from here on.
I’m reminded of a phrase I recently spotted. It was probably something from one of you Def-Con-ers. Here is my version: