In broad terms, transhumanism is the philosophy and science of using technology to transcend the physical, mental, and psychological limitations of humanity.
In other words, being human is not enough for transhumanists.
This from
As Oxford philosophy professor Nick Bostrom explains:
Transhumanists view human nature as a work-in-progress, a half-baked beginning that we can learn to remold in desirable ways.
Current humanity need not be the endpoint of evolution.
Transhumanists hope that by responsible use of science, technology, and other rational means we shall eventually manage to become posthuman—beings with vastly greater capacities than present human beings have.
NOTE OF CAUTION: The above may sound fabulous, but there are those who strongly believe humankind must take concrete and decisive action immediately because transhumanism is a far worse threat than abortion, euthanasia, war, and genocide combined.
Transhumanism is, in fact, the first truly existential menace to humanity.
It is the first threat in history that has the potential to end us as a species.
Transhumanism will not gather steam decades from now or in the far future—transhumanism is advancing at full speed right now.
The Origin of Transhumanism
We have all heard about “transgenderism” by now, yes?
A small gaggle of mentally confused people are imposing their absence of morality on the rest of us, and we are bombarded by stories of the likes of Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner, bathroom bills, and outraged pro-“trans” celebrities daily.
Many of us have also heard about the misadventures of Rachel Dolezal, who pretended to be black, and Senator Elizabeth “Fauxcahontas” Warren, who faked being Native American for personal gain. This is called “transethnicity” or “transracialism.”
“But how many have heard of “transableism” and “trans-speciesism?””
These and other bizarre “trans” movements all spring from the loss of a sense of who we are and an indifference to God’s plan for our lives.
They all are signs of a deep emotional and spiritual malaise, and they always lead to unhappiness and discontent because they separate us from God and [from] our own nature.
They are also all intermediate steps which are helping soften up public opinion for the acceptance of the ultimate step—transhumanism.
As with all advances of the culture of death—which includes a wide range of bioethical issues like organ donation, physician-assisted suicide, euthanasia, the Terri Schiavo case, Obamacare, the exploitation of human body parts, the myth of autonomy, abortion, and transhumanism—activists use the strategy of “incrementalism” or “gradualism.”
They wait until society is just about accustomed to their previous changes, and then push hard for the next step, always in the name of the shiny new “human right” that they have just invented.
Regarding euthanasia, Derek Humphry, the founder of the Hemlock Society, (now called Compassion and Choices) said:
We have to go stage by stage, with the living will, with the power of attorney, with the withdrawal of this, and of that; we have to go stage by stage. Your side would call that the ‘slippery slope.’
This strategy of “rights creep” has worked very well for the culture of death until now.
Although transhumanist thinking has been around for more than half a century now, it would not have advanced anywhere nearly as quickly had it not been preceded by the several “trans” movements that have paved its way.
The term “transsexual” generally fell out of favor a few years ago, when more educated and logical people pointed out that there is no such thing as a “sex-change operation.” A person cannot change their sex, because every cell in their body can be positively identified as either male or female.
All you can change is “gender” (which is a matter of how others perceive you) through superficial surgical mutilation and the assistance of a good costume designer. And this insanity has seeped into all aspects of our daily lives—but it is insanity with a purpose, and it has fangs.
Transhumanists see transgenderism as an important
step towards achieving their goals. They intend to eventually discard their humanity entirely by melding with machines. If people consider this concept reasonable, why can we not jettison our own gender—and even the concept of gender—now? It is no surprise, therefore, that transhumanists support the concept of switching genders “at the drop of an ambiguously-sexed hat.”
Postgenderism will help usher in transhumanity—that’s part of the game plan.
Once people become accustomed to one anti-life initiative, there will always be another one waiting in the wings, fully prepped and with talking points already drilled into the empty heads of the mass propaganda media to spill with gusto upon We the People.
Final thoughts: The radical Left first pushed queerness upon us, then they forced us to watch and accept them perform in every which manner. Then came grooming and gender mutilation, and the accompanied sexual crossovers as well as the racial and cultural crossovers. (I’m sure I forgot something. I can’t keep my head wrapped around the degree of weird that surrounds me.) And all this has followed a scripted plan to warm up We the People for the crossover to cyborg OR to whatever is beyond our imaginations but not theirs.
If we MUST and if I live long enough for the science to be worked out, I’d like to become a centaur. Think of the possibilities.