How far are parents willing to let leftist educators go when it comes to the indoctrination of their children before they say “enough!”?
This from
Will the [communist] lawmakers and leaders who are supporting the theft of our children’s innocence pay a heavy price for supporting this radical “families last” ideology?
This past weekend, a group of over 800 parents in the predominately Arab community of Dearborn, Michigan, came together to fight back against the sexualization of our children in public schools.
The huge crowd included Muslims, Christians, and Jews who are fed up with the sexualization of their children and are coming together to fight back.
Their goal is simple—Protect Our Children from the radical agenda of educators who allow explicit material on library shelves in public schools that can be accessed by students without consent from their parents.
Organizers of the Rally Protect Our Children include Mike Hacham, Stephanie Butler, Hassan Chami, Rola Makki, and Dr. Nagi Almudhegi.
Two of the organizers stand on the stage next to an American flag and behind a graphic visual from an explicit book that the protesters are asking to have removed from the shelves of their children’s libraries.
Mike Hacham, a young, conservative Republican Muslim, was one of the organizers of the protest that brought together people of many faiths, including Jews, Muslims, and Christians, for a common cause—saving our children and our families from the radical Left.

Organizer Mike Hacham
One of the speakers at the event told the crowd:
There’s a book called This Book is Gay, and I tell you if it was the book was called, This Book is Straight, we’re still gonna go after it because it’s teaching kids how to go online and have intercourse with others on the internet!
He later told an interviewer:
[T]he parents were at the rally to let the school board know they want to work with them, and not against them, to make sure their children are protected.
We spoke with Mike Hacham earlier today. Mr. Hacham told us:
[T]he majority of the Muslim population in Dearborn have conservative values and don’t want their children being radicalized by woke, leftist educators in their children’s schools; they want them to be learning about microbiology and nuclear energy.
Stephanie Butler (pictured below) is one of the organizers of the event.
We the people of Dearborn will stand for such a thing!
AG Dana Nessel, the top law-enforcement officer in Michigan is not going to advocate for families who want to stop the sexualization of their young and innocent children.
In fact, Nessel, who is up for re-election in November, has made her position on sexualizing young children crystal clear, calling for a “drag queen for every school.”
NEW VIDEO: @DanaNessel talked about Drag Queens 10 times in her unhinged speech on “education”
— MichiganFreedomFund (@MichiganFreedom) September 21, 2022
GOP AG candidate Matt DePerno, who, unlike Nessel, is on the front lines of the fight with parents to protect our children.
DePerno has made his position on the sexualization of our children in schools crystal clear—he will always put the rights of our children and of their parents first.
According to conservative Republican Mike Hacham:
[T]he Yemeni population was in the majority at their protest.
Hacham explained:
These are very religious people.
These parents are not going to put up with the indoctrination of our children, and most of them will be voting for Republicans in the upcoming election.
An estimated 125 mostly white, female, leftist protesters showed up on the front steps of the Henry Ford Centennial Library to advocate for books with sexualized content on the shelves of public-school libraries.
The organizers for the Rally To Protect our Children asked their protesters to ignore the counter-protesters and even gave them additional time to speak when their time ran out before they were finished delivering their message out of respect for their right to free speech.
In Michigan, a group of leftist (communist} activists were able to get Proposal 3 to appear on the upcoming ballot in the November election.
If this far-left radical proposal wins, in addition to women being able to have an abortion up to the time of birth…YES, I did say up to 9 months of pregnancy—our young children will also be permitted to be sterilized, have sex change treatments, and abortions—all without consent from their parents!
This evil has to stop, Michigan!
Vote NO on Proposal 3 to STOP the government takeover of our children!
Final thoughts: Michigan is obviously under the control of politicians who lack ethics and who are being paid handsomely by those who are determined to destroy the cultural fabric of this Nation. The leadership in Michigan is working against We the People and must be voted out of office.