Joe Biden Says Cheap Airline Seats Are Racist

Racism is so insipid that even cheap airline seats are racist. How do we know? Joe Biden has said so and, despite his lack of cognitive ability, he is an expert on racism. Well, maybe he’s an expert on being racist not identifying racism but still.

Today Joe Biden announced that he was going to combat inflation and put “more than billion dollars” in Americans’ pockets by stopping what he called “junk fees” He didn’t explain how he had the authority to tell private companies what they are allowed to charge their customers but this isn’t about Joe’s abuse of power.

This is about Joe’s crippling dementia:

One of the “junk fees” Biden wants to get rid of is the option to upgrade your airline seat.

“Some airlines if you want 6 more inches between you and the seat in front, you pay more money but you don’t know it until your purchase your ticket. Look folks, these are junk fees that are unfair and they hit marginalized Americans the hardest, especially low income folks and people of color,” said Biden.

While Biden is trying to make the case that economy-class airline seats are racist, he’s actually exposed his own racism by saying black people can’t fit into the cheap seats.

Also, what he described isn’t a junk fee, it’s an upgrade. When you buy an economy seat, you get an economy seat. If you want more leg room, you have to pay to get it. The airline isn’t springing a surprise fee on you, they’re offering something better for more money. It’s your choice on whether to spend that money for the upgrade or not.

And that brings up even more of Biden’s racism. He’s not only saying black people can’t fit in the cheap seats, he’s saying they can’t afford the upgrade because they’re all poor.

Biden switched gears from being racist to being incoherent:

“I’m gonna be heading up to Syarcuse-fff, New York, that area where our U.S. company Micron’s gonna be investing a hundred billion dollars. [I think I] go the day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow,” Biden said.

Either one is good. Also, he actually said “They guy go” not “I think I go” but I clarified it so you’d understand what he was saying.

Biden then claimed, “We encourage intervation and America leads the world.”

I can’t actually dispute that claim because I have no idea what “intervation” is.

Biden finish with another claim that he’s “doing a lot” to bring down inflation but his example left a lot to be desired.

“When I gonna be coming back to wizza ze example, I won know are we gonna do it at the podium or a release but take an average family and whose gonna go visit their mother or father for Thanksgiving, what’s what’s the charge if they’re gonna come home from school? I mean, there’s a lot of money,” said Biden.

Man, if that ain’t fighting inflation, I don’t know what is.

Normally at the end I’d try to summarize Biden’s nonsense but I’m not really sure what this was. He thinks airline seats are racist and he’s not sure when the day after tomorrow is. I guess the summary is: Joe Biden is 6 beers shy of is six-pack.