Laura Ingraham Sets ‘Dinosaur’ Liz Cheney Straight: ‘The Old Establishment’ GOP Is ‘Over’ AND a Prediction from Victor Davis Hanson

Fox News star Laura Ingraham has taken doomed Rep. Liz Cheney (R D C-WY) to the woodshed over her “dinosaur-like” status within the new Republican Party.

This from

Ingraham warned Cheney that:

[T]he old establishment days of the GOP are over.

Ingraham explained in an interview with The Hill:


“I think the future of the party is rooted in populism.”


You can call it America First populism, or just populism, but it’s going to be a type of economic nationalism and pragmatic policymaking that is long overdue in Washington.

The American people are becoming more impatient and frustrated that America is getting weaker and they’re getting poorer week after week, month after month.

The days of the Bush/Cheney open borders, endless wars, globalism … all of that proved to be a complete failure.

This idea that the old establishment dinosaur-like GOP is going to come lumbering back to life … it’s over.

I’m a firm believer in the First Amendment and that it protects political speech absolutely.

It’s very tricky how this ends up getting ‘moderated.’

When companies are as big as these, the argument can be that they act as proxies for the government.

One person’s disinformation is the truth, the other person’s truth is disinformation.

It would have to be done very, very carefully and I’m not sure it’s really possible.

Except for true incitements of violence, abuse online, etc.

Ingraham continued:

 I do believe, political speech, you need to be very careful about censoring, left, right, center, any of it.

I’m not going to share my conversations with the leadership of Fox but what I will say is they have an enormous amount of respect for their talent and have been great at nurturing talent through the years.

Someone is always looking over your shoulder when you’re in cable news, I don’t care what network you work for.

To dominate the ratings and to bring in the revenue they have is incredibly impressive.

An interview with Victor Davis Hanson turned to the pending communist party election catastrophe. Democrat Communist finger pointing has begun, however, still smoke-and-mirrors pundits are calling abortion and the threats to democracy the two most important issues in this election with which voters are failing to connect.

Ingraham stated:

The elites want the people to believe what the elites believe.

Victor Davis Hanson responded:

The way [for democrats communists] to get out of this, because they aren’t going to change ideologically. They’re going to start blaming Joe Biden.

They’re going to say that he was a drag on all of our candidates

And what then becomes of Joe Biden? The 25th Amendment?

That could put drunken Fran Nan in the Make-Believe White House. There already are steps in place to by-pass Airhead Kamala.  Afterall, she wasn’t born here. End of the issue.

Final thoughts: To keep this proverbial imperfect storm from destroying us all and Our Nation, proof that the 2020 election was stolen must be quickly finalized and SCOTUS, the military, and/or the newly-seated Republican Congress must declare the 2020 election fraudulent, challenge the certification, and seat President Trump.

Can and will any or all of this occur? I don’t know, but civil war must not be the answer.