Let’s try to manage our expectations of today’s midterm elections.
This from stream.org.
Optimism vs. pessimism offers us a wide swing of anticipations. However, one possible collective outcome today:
- The communist cheating is intensified and they win by large margins in nearly every race.
- Martial Law is called.
- Military vehicles fill the streets of the capitals of red states.
- Fox News gets another “facelift” as it did on Election Night 2020. Tucker Carlson disappears into some CIA “black site,” and is replaced without explanation by a sneering Chris Wallace.
- The Fox news anchor blondes give way to stodgy men in brown paramilitary uniforms, who report the results in Romanian.
No, no, no. Seriously, that was all a bad dream. Allow me to return to reality, and let’s first examine the facts of what is real:
- The Left does not believe that human life is sacred, that objective morality is real, or that conservatives and Christians are even people. Not fully, in the sense that we actually matter, the way abortionists, illegals, violent felons, tech gurus, Yalies, and celebrities have lives that matter. We’re thought of as being like Neanderthals, an obsolete rival species that must be aided to disappear.
- The Leftist riots were “mostly peaceful” no matter how much death and destruction they caused, while right-wing protests have been by definition “insurrections” that deserve to be crushed by the iron fist. (To include unconstitutional incarcerations accompanied by physical and mental abuse.)
- The Left is faced with no alternative to a crackdown. They have piled up crimes against humanity and against Our Nation so serious that they are certain they’d face financial ruin, hard jail time, and permanent disgrace—if not death—should a reckoning ever occur.
- Remaining for the Left are the choices of Power or Prison. So, expect them to bitterly cling to Power by any means necessary, and not to leave their bunkers peacefully, no matter what the voters say.
Now, let’s presume the Republicans garner too many votes for the communists to possibly steal this election. Remember, We the American People have become exasperated, rebellious, determined, and mean. We have poll watchers and multiple systems in place to catch illegalities and, although some cheating will have occurred, it will be kept to a minimum and the Left loses BIG time.
Let’s presume the Right captures both the U.S. House and the Senate and places several governors and secretaries of state in a few major blue states.
What should our goals and strategy then be?
Should we simply try to limit the damage inflicted on Americans during the past two years of criminal government? Should we wipe a few noses, dry some eyes, and try to restore the “normalcy” of America in 2016, before the Left decided that the voters had stabbed it in the back, and resolved to stuff leftist autocracy down our throats and into our veins?
Hell no. We’re much too far past that possibility.
There are two words that must define our approach going forward: Purge and Retribution.
We must throw all our energy into purging our own side of traitors, of two-faced, compromised sellouts who’d rather see the left wield power forever than allow the “wrong sort” of Republicans win.
The Mitch McConnells, the Mike Pences, the Kevin McCarthys, the Mitt Romneys, and the Susan Collinses—don’t forget the Ronna McDaniels—of this world are our most serious enemies.
They are the ones who wish to deprive us of any voice at all, who demand that we accept as our political representatives elitists who despise us—who’ll take our money and votes, while holding their noses and rolling their eyes. They won’t protect us or help us. Their loyalty is with their classmates from New England boarding schools, whom they meet at the country club.
If we can’t topple these people, or batter them into submission, the war is already over.
The French realized this in 1944, which is why they hunted collaborators much more eagerly than Germans.
But insurgent Republicans who win this year despite the best efforts of the RINOs MUST refuse to play nice with our betrayers.
Instead, they [must] see that seizing control of the party is the first, second, and third order of business. Forget AOC and Ilhan Omar. To get to them you’ll first have to claw your way through McConnell, Scalise, and their minions. So, sharpen up those talons.
If we can accomplish that, our long-term goal must be to do the opposite of what Donald Trump did in 2017.
Remember when he abandoned his campaign pledge to “Lock Her Up”? I think that even he now realizes what criminal folly that was.
We must seek to lock them up.
Or (if literally doing that proves impossible for now) at least to expose and humiliate them, make their very names bywords for “shame” and “disgrace.”
We need public, forensic hearings aimed at uncovering the crimes, malfeasance, corruption, and abuses of freedom committed by the likes of the following (a very incomplete list):
- Barack Hussein Obama
- Hillary Clinton.
- John Brennan.
- Christopher Wray.
- Andrew Weissman.
- Peter Strozk.
- Anthony Fauci.
- Deborah Birx.
- Andrew Cuomo.
- Gretchen Whitmer.
- Gavin Newsom.
(The last three for mass-murdering old people in nursing homes by dumping COVID patients in their midst, to spike COVID death statistics and justify their tyrannical states of emergency.)
In terms of public officials, that’s a good start, for the first couple weeks of hearings—and hangings.
We must also subpoena and grill under oath every Big Tech and media executives who took part in fooling and manipulating voters—as part of the national conspiracy which the malefactors boasted of in the pages of TIMEÂ magazine.
And every Big Pharma executives who cooperated in dumping untested vaccines onto unwilling Americans.
And every local election officials who colluded in radically insecure voting procedures that foisted the [Obiden Regime] on Americans who didn’t vote for them.
This is just the beginning, of course. We must keep peeling the rotten onion to expose the filth within.
Conservatives must let We the American People know in excruciating detail who betrayed us and how. Purge this nation’s governing class of its most reprehensible sellouts.
The title of this article is ‘Nuremburg Trials’, however, many suitable places exist across America. Pick one or more that can survive the pain and suffering that will be disclosed. Then afterward, make this/these location(s) the first monument(s) to be erected in the name of Eternal Conservatism.
Final thoughts: The leader of such a Purge and Retribution must be strong, determined, ruthless, and rightfully vengeful.
Genghis Khan is long gone, therefore the only name that comes to my mind is President Donald J. Trump.
I can already hear him saying:
“You’re Fired.”