Who Wants To See A Nancy Pelosi Documentary Filmed By Her Daughter?

Recently, Hollywood has been releasing LGBT RomComs that have bombed because there’s literally no audience for those type of films. In related news, HBO is releasing a documentary on Nancy Pelosi, the last appealing person in the history mankind. Making this stinker even more of a hard pass is the fact that it was filmed and directed by Pelosi’s daughter.

The Hill reports this like it’s news, but really it’s more of an obituary:

HBO is premiering a documentary next month that chronicles the congressional career of Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) filmed by the Democratic leader’s daughter, Alexandra Pelosi.

The documentary, titled “Pelosi in the House,” will debut on Dec. 13 on HBO and HBO Max, Warner Media, the parent company of HBO, announced on Monday. Alexandra Pelosi, an award-winning documentarian, produced and directed the film.

It seems like all of the interesting things happen when Pelosi isn’t in the house. Just ask her husband Paul about that.

Just in case you aren’t already stoked to see this, there’s this addition information to entice you:

HBO said the documentary on the Speaker “goes behind the headlines as it tracks Pelosi’s life in public office from her election to Congress in 1987 and becoming the first female Speaker of the House in 2007 through the 2020 election and President Biden’s inauguration.”

“Following Pelosi at both work and home in real time during consequential political moments in the country’s recent history, the film offers a unique look at American politics through her efforts on the Affordable Care Act, the COVID-19 relief package, two impeachments as well as a record of the events of January 6, 2021, following Pelosi and other lawmakers at a secure location as the crisis unfolded,” said HBO.

For anyone else, this would be a snore-fest, but this is Nast Nancy Pelosi, which means the viewer has to look at her Botoxed face and listen to her annoying voice for probably 2 hours. Or not. Why did HBO think this is something that’s going to bring in the subscribers? Better yet, how much did HBO pay for this crime against humanity?

The thing is, an interesting documentary could be made about Nancy Pelosi, just not one from her insipid daughter. If there was a film that chronicled Pelosi’s quest for youth by drinking the blood of virgins, it might be watchable. Maybe cover her time as the Wicked Witch of the West and her flying monkeys as well.

Even if they just showed what an insufferable bitch she is, it would be a step up. Remember when someone called her “Mrs. Pelosi” and she chewed them out, correcting that she is to be referred to as “Madame Speaker”? Or how about the time she tore up President Trump’s State of the Union Speech? She has decades of being a major C-word and that would make a decent documentary.

The best idea however would be some straight-up body cam footage of Paul Pelosi’s DUI arrest and his recent “hide the hammer” incident. Now that’s must-see TV.