Fonzie Says You Shouldn’t Vote For Anyone Who Can’t Form A Complete Sentence

The Liberal Hollywood Rules Committee is hard at work crafting new laws they demand the commoners live by. Committee member Henry Winkler came up with one that says you aren’t allowed to vote for anyone who can’t form a complete sentence. While it seems like this is another rule for us, not them, Fonzie assures that this in “not about party.”

Because nobody knows what’s best for the people of Georgia more than a rich Hollywood elitist from California, Winkler chimed in on the run-off election between incumbent democrat Raphael Warnock and Republican Challenger Hershel Walker:

But it very clearly is about party since the democrats have so many mush-mouthed braindead butchers of the English language in their ranks.

Where was this rule last month as stroked-out democrat John Fetterman defeated Republican Mahmet Oz for a Senate seat in Pennsylvania? Fetterman can’t complete a sentence or even a mildly coherent thought and yet Winkler didn’t send out any tweets warning that command of the English language was more important than party affiliation.

Then there is of course Nancy Pelosi. The ancient Wicked Witch of the West struggles to communicate simple ideas or form recognizable sentences. It was her husband Paul who got hit in the head with a hammer, but it’s Nancy who has the obvious brain damage. Winkler never once told people they shouldn’t vote for her.

Staying in California, Senator Dianne Feinstein is so far gone that she has removed herself from all committees and hasn’t spoken to the press or anyone else in years. The reason is, she has severe dementia and can’t even pretend to make sense for eve na second. For some reason, Winkler never campaigned on behalf of a Feinstein challenger, for the good of the country.

And let’s not forget the worst offender of all: Joe Biden. The illegitimate president is to English what COVID-19 was to nursing home patients. Every time he opens his mouth, he systematically destroys the language with made-up words, fractured thoughts, and bizarre lies.

Not only hasn’t Winkler ever raised the alarm about Biden’s cognitive ability, he actively promoted Crazy Joe’s election in 2020

But about that rule of only voting for people who can complete a sentence? I thought it wasn’t about party but rather what is best for the country.

As an added bonus, Winkler’s hypocritical tweet is also racist. He’s attacking Herschel Walker, a black man, for lacking the sophisticated linguistic skills of rich white coastal elites. If any white Republicans had made fun of Raphael Warnock’s speech, you can bet your ass liberals would be screaming “racism!”

Since Winkler made this rule universal and not about party, he has to own the fact that he’s a racist piece of shit without an ounce of self-awareness.