Commentary for a Sunday: Deep State War on America–This Was About the Removal of President Trump

This story starts long ago. Steve Bannon put it all together on Saturday morning’s War Room.

This from

This was all detailed in the book Silent Coup: The Removal of the President which discussed Dean’s actions in the coup that led to Nixon’s demise.

The authors of this book were on CSPAN in 1991 to talk about their research covered in their book:

…the authors said that White House aide John Dean was responsible for the cover-up of the 1973 Watergate break-in, that General Alexander Haig was attempting to unseat President Nixon

…Because John Dean pulled off an incredible hoax. He pulled it off on the Watergate Committee and he pulled it off on the courts and he pulled it off on the American people, and in a sense he erased the election.

If you take John Dean out of the story, it doesn’t matter what Woodward and Haig do because it will be a series of leaks that will mean nothing. There’s no Watergate. It will be traditional Washington leaks that may nick the president a little bit, but it’s not going to drive him out of office.

It is the John Dean story that is just absolutely the most important story in the book.

After the attempted coup of President Trump—labeled the Mueller Special Counsel—the corrupt members of the U.S. House (all the democrats communists and many in the GOP) held hearings to damage the President.


Congress and the Deep State wanted President Trump gone.


One of the first individuals asked to speak in their sh*t-show trials was John Dean who had no knowledge of the Mueller report. However, Dean was famous for having President Nixon removed from office. So, they rolled him in to perform for them and for a recalcitrant audience.

John Dean, Trump-Basher and “Golden Boy” of Watergate “Silent Coup” – Invited to Speak in Front of Democrat Led House

Dean did speak in front of the corrupt, bloodthirsty democrat communist Congress and he did attempt to bring back Watergate. However, enjoyably for We the People, the affair proved to be embarrassing for Dean and for the Deep State.

Conservative Congressman Matt Gaetz tore Dean apart, noting that the democrats communists brought him in to remind them of Watergate rather than deal with the accusation of whether President Trump colluded with Russia.

The latter was a lie which is maybe why Dean was there in the first place. The [dems commies] thought maybe he could help them take down President Trump.

Conservative Congressman Matt Gaetz destroyed Dean and the disgusting treasonous communists.

John Dean, Trump-Basher and “Golden Boy” of Watergate “Silent Coup” – Invited to Speak in Front of Democrat Led House

However, we must not overlook the fact that this was merely a clue to identify the larger picture. Dean represented the Deep State’s successful coup of a Presidential Administration. The current communists wanted to do it again.

Saturday morning Steve Bannon put the entire treasonous affair together. After the revelations that have been uncovered this past week, we are able to understand clearly that the Deep State FBI, DOJ, CISA and others colluded with—and most likely still are colluding with—Big Tech to control the information reaching the American people.

We know that these entities worked with Twitter management to shadow ban, suspend and censor individuals and tweets they didn’t like.

These organizations all worked together and lied to the American people about it.

[And] at the same time, Twitter and the FBI were meeting weekly to discuss the containment of information reaching the people related to the stolen 2020 Election.

The FBI and DOJ, if I can give a historical analogy, is like the pretorian guard around the Roman Emperors. Remember they have a vote. They have a big vote. If the guy played ball they protected him. If he didn’t play ball they’d replace him.

That’s what the FBI in Nixon in Watergate…it was the federal court system, these judges, these DOJ’s, these corrupt lawyers on the panels over on the House and the Senate working on and doing stuff that never should have been done…the FBI and the Federal Court system did a coup on Richard Nixon….

…Matt Taibbi who’s no MAGA, he just gave it to you last night. Boom, right between the eyes – THE REMOVAL OF TRUMP. And anybody who doesn’t get, he ain’t talking about Twitter. Twitter is the way he’s telling about how Trump was removed—by Trump’s own Administration.

…It’s as clear as the nose on your face…You cannot allow this apparatus to remove a sitting President. If it does, you’re a banana republic.


Below is one of the greatest 7 minutes in recorded history.

Watch it and share it.


Final thoughts: Stock Up and Ammo Up, fellow Patriots. We got us a Take Back that’s about to kinetically commence.

Caution: Stay off the streets. Protect your loved ones and your property. We will be Back Up only. Special Forces Operators will do the dirty work.