So Far Three from the Left Have Abandoned Their Corrupt Political Party—The Jackass Party May Be Splitting Apart from Their Rectum Forward

The handwriting is on the wall, despite what communists/globalists are pushing out via the mass propaganda media.

This from

Recent news has exposed the party’s weaknesses. The communists/globalist party could be headed for a major decline in spite of their success with stealing elections.

Three democrats communists/globalists so far have turned on the party. And many political pundits are thinking that this could be the beginning of the end.

For years, we’ve heard about how moderate liberals and the radical left have been fighting within the party.

[Nasty Fran Nan] Pelosi was able to keep it under wraps. But with the [dirty dealing anti-constitutionalist] stepping down after the election, it looks like the party may not be able to keep this rift hidden much longer.

From Fox News:

From all levels of government—local, state and federal—elected officials once labeled [democrats] announced after the recent midterm elections they would be switching parties or becoming independent voices in their respective roles…

Sinema isn’t the only elected leader who recently made the decision to ditch the [Left]. Last week, New York City Councilman Ari Kagan, who was elected to the council in 2021 as a [democrat], announced he would be exiting the party to become a Republican. In West Virginia, state Sen. Glenn Jeffries announced earlier this month he was forgoing his affiliation with the party to join the GOP.

Washington was rocked last week when Sen. Sinema announced she was leaving the party. She blasted democrats for being partisan and radicalized. She will now be an Independent, bucking the demands of Schumer and the left.

More stories like that keep coming out across America. Many sensible people, who care about Americans, are becoming increasingly outraged at the Obiden Regime and the party’s failure of leadership.

It is not crazy to suggest more democrat communist/globalist politicians will jump ship.

The question is not if, but how many.

Final thoughts: Is the communist/globalist political party of America fraught with growing pains? Yes. It has moved too far Left too fast. It has taken on globalist ideations against the will of its constituents. And they can’t seem to be able to win an election they don’t steal.

But for election fraud, the party would already be a pitiless cluster of back bench misfits.

God speed to Conservatism.