Alabama GOP senator and former Auburn University football coach Tommy Tuberville said Tuesday that the United States is losing on the world stage to China in many different areas and the U.S. needs to step up.

Tuberville said:
China is infiltrating everything we have here.
On the John Solomon Reports podcast Tuberville said:
We consider ourselves number one in everything.
Folks, we’re not number one anymore.
We have sat back, we’ve hit ourselves and put blinders on and China has just taken off and run right by us.
Further from John Solomon Reports:
Sen. Tuberville warns U.S. wearing blinders…hard to stop China when Biden is compromised…Sen. Tuberville warns: U.S. wearing blinders.
He continued:
Whether it’s space, whether it’s ships, whether it’s fighter pilots and the training that they do—I mean, we would have a tough time right now competing against China in the situation that we’re in.
Note: China as of late has been buying up U.S. farmland, while South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) announced in November restrictions on allowing foreign entities to purchase American farmland.
Noem said on Twitter:
In South Dakota, we have implemented restrictions on foreign land ownership, and as governor, I am looking into how we can further thwart CCP expansion.
Tuberville said that there has been a massive increase of China buying up more and more land over the years and it needs to be addressed.
Tuberville stated:
China is infiltrating everything we have here. Twelve years ago they had 10,000 acres of farmland in the United States. Today, they have 360,000 and it’s growing.
Tuberville said certain steps need to be taken to make the country stronger and right now it’s not being done.
Tuberville added:
I’m just an outsider coming in to look and going, ‘You got to be kidding me. We’re running this country by the seat of our pants and we’ve got people that are just destroying the Constitution.’ They’re not doing the things that the people really should be doing to make this country stronger.
Final thoughts: Exactly, Senator Tuberville. The best the United States of America could do presently is witness the demise of the democrat/communist/globalist political party. Otherwise our future looks dim.