Red States Declare War on Major Threat—Then Congress Is Shamed into Following by Moving to Block TikTok

Perhaps the biggest threat to America’s future is one that the media is happy to ignore.

Communist-run China has its fingers in nearly every corner of American life. They influence the mainstream media, Hollywood, universities, laboratories, and of course D.C.

And now, China has incredible amounts of data on each of us, due to the social app TikTok.

This from

Trump warned us about this app, but Joe-Joe Biden ended Trump’s order to ban TikTok.

But as the threat of Chinese influence only grows, numerous GOP governors have banned the app on state devices.

Those states include Nebraska, South Dakota, South Carolina, Maryland, and Texas.


“And now, Congress is finally acting.”

A bipartisan group of lawmakers has introduced legislation in both the House and the Senate to ban TikTok.

The lawmakers said in a news release:

[B]an TikTok by blocking and prohibiting all transactions from any social media company in, or under the influence of, China, Russia, and several other foreign countries of concern.


Once again, the fate of this nation rests in the hands of our GOP governors.


Only after numerous Republican governors took steps to ban TikTok from state devices did Congress do anything.

A group of bipartisan lawmakers in both the House and Senate has proposed a bill that would set sanctions on Communist China-owned TikTok.

Not only this, but the bill would prohibit any social apps that are “under the influence” of China, Russia, and other “countries of concern.”

If this bill becomes law, it will require app stores to remove TikTok and other apps.

TikTok’s service would immediately be suspended, ending millions of Americans’ access to the network. This would be a good thing.

Because, right now, millions of Americans are unknowingly giving their personal data to Communist China.

Everything from facial recognition to location data to their home address is being gobbled up by a foreign nation.

And [China] isn’t one of our friends. This is Red China, the nation responsible for the COVID pandemic (but has yet to be held responsible for it). A country that suppresses the freedoms of its own people and is working overtime to defeat America.

Final thoughts: There should be no logical reason for the Chinese communist government to have direct access to American citizens’ personal information. Congress must move fast to pass this bill. But will they?