Let Us Please Remember the January 6 Political Prisoners and Their Families This Christmas

This Christmas let us please remember those men and women who are being held unconstitutionally as political prisoners under the current illegitimate regime.

This from the gatewaypundit.com.

Solitary Confinement, a Jon McNaughton painting.

Over 700 Americans have been arrested in connection with the events of January 6, 2021—events that are now understood, beyond any doubt, to have been communist party-organized, Nancy Pelosi-managed avenues of entrapment, as part of the cover-up of a treasonous coup d’etat to remove and steal the re-election of the sitting President of the United States of America.

Dozens of men and women have been imprisoned for nearly two years now without trial. This is a clear violation of the U.S. Constitution.

As of August, the provenly corrupt FBI was still looking for over 350 individuals to arrest for taking part in the protests that day.

Several federal operatives are walking free today after they were caught on camera committing violence or urging Americans to enter the U.S. Capitol that day.

This Christmas day please remember the political prisoners and their families.

Please pray ethics and morality will come to the mass propaganda media activists who refuse to tell the truth of what happened that day.

For they will either choose to come clean and make good now or the time will come for justifiable payback. And payback We the People dispense will be the near equivalent of hell.

God speed to Conservatism and to Retribution. For with Retribution comes Deterrence. And with Deterrence comes Security.