WHO Chief Says COVID Boosters “Are Used by Countries to Kill Children”—Fake Fact-Checkers Freak Out, Write Cover-Up. What are We to Believe?

A video went viral this week of failed World Health Organization Chief, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, talking about vaccinating children.

This from survivethenews.com.

In the video, Tedros tells international health experts that countries are using COVID booster shots to kill children.

If it’s going to be used it’s better to focus on those groups, who have risk of severe disease and death rather than as we see some countries are using to give boosters to kill children which is not right.

Come again. What was that you said?

For some strange reason the mass propaganda—mainstream—media did not report on this. The media totally ignored this shocking statement.

In fact, those of the mass propaganda media did what they do best: They ran top cover for Tedros, claiming he was misunderstood, as noted below.

You’ve heard this tru-ism labeled ‘misinformation’ before:

It has been clear since April of 2020 that children rarely, if ever, suffered severe complications from the COVID19 virus.

Yet, Big Pharma and Dr. Fauci pushed the experimental vaccines on healthy children around the world.

And today thousands of kids are suffering severe heart problems after having been given the vaccine.

Not surprisingly, the fake fact-checkers were quick to respond.


Reuters rewrote Tedros’s statement to defend shooting up kids with the COVID vaccine.”


Is pushing experimental vaccines on healthy children against current guidance not criminal?

Should COVID19 vaccinations not be ceased—at least until medical practitioners are all singing from the same sheet of music?

The following is what the mass propaganda media have created from what Tedros said:

A video showing the head of World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, speaking about prioritizing vaccination efforts for poorer countries and more vulnerable populations over giving booster shots to children has been misconstrued online.

Some social media users have pointed to the clip to erroneously claim he “admitted” or “revealed” COVID-19 booster shots are being used “to kill children”.

While the scene highlighted online is authentic, users have misconstrued his message. A WHO spokesperson told Reuters the sentence was the result of a slip of the tongue.

Final thoughts: Now, more than ever, what We the People are to believe about COVID and COVID vaccinations is clearly unclear.

Tedros’s words correspond with what we have witnessed and what we have heard from Conservative sources. Likewise, the current apparent cover-up and obfuscation by the mass propaganda media correspond with what we have witnessed and what we have heard for many months now.

The current correct answer concerning COVID vaccinations: Not no, but HELL NO.