Commentary: Failed Democrat Tried to Own Elon Musk, But It Backfired Spectacularly When He Replied with One Short Tweet

Generally speaking, the Left can’t stand Elon Musk—rather, they can’t stand what he is doing to them. They repeatedly pile on the new Twitter owner—to their own embarrassment and chagrin.

And they go to great extent trying their best to score approval from their anti-Musk followers.

This from

However, time and time again, their ‘BEST’ is not good enough to survive the short, intelligent responses fired back at them.

Of recent note: One failed congressional democrat communist/globalist—a video game developer—Brianna Wu who thought she got one over on the Tesla and SpaceX founder after he posted a friendly—but, yes, ominous—tweet wishing everyone a happy start to 2023, adding that he promised exciting things to come.

Specifically, he tweeted Sunday:

Hope you’re having a great day 1 2023! One thing’s for sure, it won’t be boring.

Obviously, this was sufficient to trigger Wu’s Musk Derangement Syndrome (MDS).

Wu responded with one of the tired attacks against Musk and his net worth.

Sure, the billionaire has dropped a small percentage of his net worth in his latest pursuits.

There are numerous factors to explain that, including the overall negative outlook of the U.S. economy.

However, Musk still manages to claim the title of the world’s second richest man when he’s not the first. Nothing to scoff at there, no?

Wu’s only slightly provoked attack read:

You worked hard this year and lost over 200 billion. I believe that this year you will surpass yourself with even worse decisions.

Musk was obviously prepared and lying in wait.

With just five words, he responded in a manner designed to utterly humiliate the failed Massachusetts House candidate.

He said:

Thanks for paying me $8.

Musk’s retort was in reference to the cost of subscribing to his version of Twitter Blue, which offers added benefits to Twitter users and the famous blue verification checkmark that liberal Twitter influencers were quick to flash to signal their elite social credit score among the peasants.

Is it not incredible that Wu would take such a cheap and boring shot at Musk while forking over $8 per month, which ironically goes back toward building up Musk’s net worth? That’s rich, yes?

Wu tweeted:

No problem, buddy. I’ve got another $8 I can spot you for the legal fees when the inevitable lawsuits come over failed FSD. You just let me know.

Twitter user Collin Rugg summarized the exchange in simple terms that, hopefully, Wu can understand.

Rugg tweeted:

You lost.

Final thoughts: I, too, believe Wu lost. But I’m not being impartial. I’m a Patriot and I like everything Elon Musk is doing to flush out the Deep State swamp.

God speed to Conservatism and to Retribution. For with Retribution comes Deterrence. And with Deterrence comes Security.