Renegade House Republicans nominate black alternative to embattled McCarthy

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results and such is again the case with the ongoing Republican quest to appeal to the black voting demographic, a futile endeavor given their unshakable loyalty to their Democratic party plantation masters.

With the stalemate over the coronation of “Speaker Designate” Kevin McCarthy dragging on, the genius decision to bypass other viable and more recognizable options as an alternative to the feckless lobbyist’s boy toy, the candidacy of unheralded Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida was introduced, an honor bestowed upon a man who barely registered as a blip on the political radar screen.

Donalds was nominated as an alternative to the by Rep. Chip Roy of Texas, a passionate defender of conservative values and the defense of the nation’s porous southern border albeit one whose emotions often get the best of him and he was very emotional indeed with his crowd-pleasing speech putting forth the Brooklyn-born lawmaker as another option, drawing bipartisan applause and gushing media coverage.

It’s hard to see the improbable nomination as anything other than a somewhat cynical attempt to peel off some of McCarthy’s dug-in supporters while at the same time burnishing the image of the MAGA wing of the party which has been repeatedly tarred and feathered as racists, white supremacists, Nazis and worse as well as another step in the elusive quest for the Holy Grail of a seismic shift that would bring blacks to the Republican party in sufficient numbers so as to effectively nullify Democrat cheating, mail-in voting manipulation and ballot harvesting, all of which McCarthy and his fellow establishment travelers have shown no inclination to prevent.

Conservative media outlets were badly burned with their cheerleading for mentally unstable black rapper/businessman Kanye West whose factual remarks that the Marxist-inspired Black Lives Matter movement was a “scam” led to weeks of slobbering coverage – including an interview with Fox News ratings king Tucker Carlson – before his spectacular self-immolation when he vowed to go “‘death con 3′ on Jewish people in an ill-advised social media post that drew accusations of anti-Semitism even if that seemingly wasn’t the intention – at least according to West.

In true form, given his mercurial personality, “Ye” proceeded to double, triple and even quadruple down by embarking on a media tour in which he attempted to explain himself but only ended up babbling – often incoherently – about Jews and Jewish control, both topics that were strictly verboten in the national discourse even though there is at least a smidgen of truth in the trope (especially when it comes to media) and his insistence in doing so, cost him hundreds of millions of dollars and left conservatives who only weeks before embraced him, enveloped in a stink cloud of their own making for fawning over him in the first place despite his history of erratic and bizarre behavior.

The ensuing firestorm also engulfed conservatives’ favorite negress Candace Owens, another fixture on media and websites that shill for a party that has been so badly stung by years of being falsely smeared as being “racist” that it has repeatedly sought out tokens to put forth as a defense from the left’s malicious calumny.

The grifting Owens – who has recently taken to sniping at former President Donald J. Trump – unwisely chose to defend West, a man who she joined in modeling “White Lives Matter” garb at a fall fashion show, earning a stern rebuke from conservative opinion leader Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire (where Owens has a paying gig) who wears his Jewishness on his sleeve and has expressed a zero tolerance attitude towards perceived anti-Semitism.

Topping matters off as far as West goes was yet another self-inflicted wound by Trump whose poor decision to invite him to a pre-Thanksgiving dinner at Mar-a-Lago, a set-up that allowed the highly controversial commentator Nick Fuentes to be brought along as an uninvited guest who was allowed to sit at the table if the ex-POTUS, served up another ginned-up scandal to the media, Democrats and his enemies within the GOP on a silver platter.

During his tenure in office, Trump had invited West to the White House, another sop to the mythical black conservative vote, a unicorn that never shows up come Election Day, and by inviting the rapper to Mar-a-Lago DESPITE his recent “anti-Semitism” was a monumental blunder by Trump who had just declared his 2024 candidacy only to have his legs cut out from under him by West and his buddy who may as well have been on the Democratic party payroll.

And in Georgia, it is a fair question as to whether Trump and the GOP blew it with their decision to make the critical Senate contest a black-on-black affair, especially given the thrashing that Gov. Brian Kemp gave to the insufferable Stacey Abrams, a sign that the strategy backfired bigly by potentially alienating a sizeable number of white voters, particularly independents.

Outside of television snake oil Dr. Mehmet Oz, few recent candidates have been as unsuitable as former NFL star Herschel Walker, a walking, talking repository of idiocy with a history filled with questionable decisions, discarded bimbos and perhaps a few abortions as well. Opposition researchers never had it so easy and instead of a critical Senate seat that should have served as a bulwark against the worst abuses of the Biden regime and congressional communists, Georgians – and America as a whole – ended up with a full six-years of a whitey-hating, fire-breathing, anti-American radical black preacher in Raphael Warnock when the smart move would have been staying completely out of the lane of the racial politics perfected by the Democratic party, instead the GOP crashed and burned in the Peach State.

It’s been a Hell of a long time since Honest Abe Lincoln freed the slaves and now that the younger generation has been indoctrinated to the point where they completely believe the lies of Howard Zinn and the New York Times’ “1619 Project” as being an accurate version of the nation’s history, the false narrative is rock solid and it is truly a fool’s errand to believe that blacks are EVER going to embrace the Republican party and its policies, ditto for young white voters whose brains have been poisoned and their worldview shaped by the one-two punch of campus commies and 24/7 anti-white propaganda churned out by the media.

A party that is so desperate for a miraculous conversion of black voters almost seems to be predestined to make a massive mistake by putting forth South Carolina Senator Tim Scott as either its 2024 nominee or a running mate who is forced upon whoever emerges from the primary process but is a futile appeal to diversity and chasing unicorns really the hill that they are willing to die on?