Adam Schiff’s Situation Gets Even Worse as Rep. Matt Gaetz Introduces ‘PENCIL’ Act

California communist/globalist Rep. Adam Schiff, undoubtedly the most dishonest man in Washington, D.C., has had a tough week.

This from

 – First, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy stripped him of his membership on the House Intelligence Committee.

 – And on Thursday, Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz introduced a bill that, if passed, would ban Schiff from gaining access to classified information.

This legislation is called the PENCIL Act. You may recall President Trump was fond of calling the repellent Schiff “Pencil-Neck,” although the nickname actually was picked up from the inimitable Rush Limbaugh.

The bill, which can be viewed below, as first obtained by The Daily Caller, states:

This resolution may be cited as the ‘Preventing Extreme Negligence with Classified Information Licenses Resolution,’ or the ‘PENCIL Resolution.’

It also enumerates some of the many ways Schiff abused his power during the Trump administration.

Schiff claimed for years that Trump had colluded with the Russian government to win the presidency. He made the rounds of all the liberal cable news programs and insisted that evidence of this collusion was in plain sight.

The bill also takes Schiff to task for pressuring Twitter executives:

[T]o take action against alleged harassers and spreaders of misinformation.


In other words, content with which he disagreed.


Before Gaetz introduced the resolution, he told The Daily Caller:

Congressman Adam Schiff led the effort for years to weaponize lies from the Clinton campaign and a corrupt Department of Justice to smear President Trump while destroying any trust the country had left in America’s intelligence agencies.

Gaetz continued:

Speaker McCarthy kept his promise to remove Rep. Schiff from the Intelligence Committee.

And with the PENCIL Resolution, we will express the sense of Congress that he should be barred from accessing any classified information at all. He can no longer be trusted by his colleagues in Congress or the American people.

Thursday also was a big day for Schiff for another reason. He announced he is running for the Senate seat currently occupied by his communist/globalist colleague, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, because, according to lying Adam Schiff:

The truth matters.

This piece of work is a cross between sad and ironic. We the People know very well that Adam is full of Schiff, but he is seemingly clueless as to the extent of his character defects—specifically his inability to tell the truth.

In the video below, Schiff is heard saying:

I’ve always believed that what’s right matters. That the truth matters.

This from the most notorious liar in Congress.

Next it shows multiple clips of him telling talk-show hosts and reporters there was “ample evidence of collusion” and that it was “far worse than Watergate.”

– Shortly after special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation ended in the spring of 2019 without finding the evidence Schiff swore was in plain sight, he seized upon a July 2019 phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and used it as the basis for Trump’s first impeachment.

– Schiff then served as the lead House manager for the Senate trial, which ended in Trump’s acquittal.

Well done, Speaker McCarthy. This short smackdown is most enjoyable to watch. Lesson learned: Be cautious of an angry politician who is speaking softly and smiling at you, because his words are what will be painful.

Meanwhile, by introducing his resolution, Gaetz is deploying one of the liberals’ oldest tools against them.

He has tapped the ageless wisdom of the late activist Saul Alinsky.

In his well-known book Rules for Radicals, Alinsky told followers:

Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It’s hard to counterattack ridicule, and it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.

Final thought: I’m reminded of a pair of questions I’ve always thought were humorous together. To paraphrase: Who are these testosterone enriched politicians? And what have you done with our emasculated GOP?

Already the U.S. House of 2023 is proving to be a joy to watch.

God speed to Conservatism and God speed to the Take Back of our Constitutional Republic.