WATCH: In Less Than One Minute Heritage Foundation’s Mike Gonzalez Describes How Marxist Transformation of America Takes Hold

The two most basic questions of any American who is aware of the ongoing change in our country are “how is this happening?” and “what is the goal?”

This from

Mark Levin asks:

Critical race theory, diversity/equity/inclusion or DEI, ESG environmental social corporate governance—we’re surrounded by this alphabet soup. What does it mean?  What exactly is going on here?

Those are questions so many Americans have and which seem like incredibly complicated questions. And of course, there are incredibly complicated answers, specific to each of those and the many hundreds of other massive societal changes forced on the USA since Barack Hussein Obama took office.

Those both also seem like they’d be hard to answer succinctly or to put into words in a way that anyone can understand it and explain it someone else later. But in just 58 seconds, Heritage Foundation’s Mike Gonzalez does exactly that.

Click HERE to view Mike Gonzalez explain the ongoing transformation of America.


Gomzalez said:

I think that in 2020, the administrators of our cultural institutions decided to throw in the towel and accept and join the campaign for their complete transformation of America, I think they may have done so unwittingly. But when they accept that America is systemically and institutionally and structurally racist—which they did, they embraced that—they didn’t think through to the consequences.

Gonzalez continues:

The consequences of that is that, if all those things are true, then ergo all the institutions, and the structures, and the systems—which is just a Greek word for the way everything works—then all of that has to be thrown out and replaced with something else, that’s the Marxist dream.

That was exactly the plan, and the Left has been carefully and systematically putting it into practice with almost complete success.

First establish all that we have is bad and wrong, then defund and replace it, then put new things in their place which will eventually lead to Marxism.

This transformation was predicted—by Barack Hussein Obama—it is clear, it is present, and it is obvious to all with eyes that do not fail to see and ears that do not fail to hear.

Gonzalez further explained:

The people who should’ve known better, the administrators of our cultural institutions, accepted this in 2020.

Everyday Americans did not, they’re fighting back.

That’s right. And We the People will continue fighting back.

But the question that isn’t answered yet is clear: Is it too late to stop this runaway train?

Can We the People turn this destruction around and vanquish the traitors amongst us?