Virginia Governor Just Signed an Historic Bill—This Pro-American Move Stops China In Its Tracks

One of the Obiden Regime’s most destructive moves against America, we will all come to realize, has been it’s weakness toward China.

And, please, Joe-Joe’s senility is little more than a placating excuse for Obama in the basement to have his treasonous way with We the People and our once-great nation.

Further, Joe-Joe and the Biden family have long been bought and controlled by the CCP.

This from

Whatever the reason, however, The Regime has ceased all efforts to slow China’s attempts at dominating the United States. In fact, current policies have given China more power over the United States than ever before and their power, while unchecked, continues to grow exponentially.


But one governor, at least, is moving

to shut down the communist nation in its tracks.


China has been scheming to literally snatch the ground out from under our feet. All the while, it has tried to spy on our nation’s military bases.


Many states, even red states, have let China do it.


BUT not on Governor Youngkin’s watch!

From Fox News:

Republican Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin said he’ll sign a bipartisan bill that will block the Chinese Communist Party from buying farmland in the state, including near military installations such as Quantico and the Pentagon…

Youngkin said that in Virginia, he and state lawmakers are “standing up strong” to the CCP.

Gov. Youngkin of Virginia has vowed to sign a bill that will ban China from buying farmland in the state.

In other states, including North Dakota, China has been buying up millions of acres of U.S. farmland.

Big agricultural lobbyists have encouraged this—seeing only dollar signs—while failing to fathom their own suicidal behavior.

Even Republican states have blocked attempts at stopping China. Meanwhile, China owns more land in the U.S. than you do. Some of that land is right next to military bases.

This isn’t the first time Gov. Youngkin shut down China. He had previously rejected a deal for Ford to build a battery plant in Virginia since the operation was being run by a Chinese company.

Youngkin revealed the many ways China has been seeking “world domination” by manipulating the U.S.

China has been “using every avenue possible” to undermine the country.

They have tried to threaten us with their military, sent spy balloons, and used social networks like TikTok to steal Americans’ private data.


If we let them, China will take over

the U.S. without firing a single shot.


And what is the Obiden Regime doing about all this? Absolutely nothing—other than aiding and abetting. In fact, Joe-Joe is essentially a Chinese mole, doing whatever helps China and hurts America. And Obama in the basement is gloriously witnessing the accomplishment of his “transformation of America.”

Final thoughts: We the People of America need more leaders to follow Youngkin’s lead, even if this causes the media to turn on them–which the mass propaganda media will certainly do because they too are suicidally in bed with China.