Senator Kennedy in His Classic Style Roasts Joe-Joe Biden at CPAC—WATCH

Senator John Kennedy is known for saying exactly what is on his mind.

This from

His no-nonsense approach and viral speeches have made him a fan-favorite among conservatives.

For anyone who tuned in during his speech at CPAC, Kennedy once again did not disappoint!

Kennedy roasted Joe Biden and the Obiden Regime on everything from the handling of the border crisis to COVID-19.

Subtly, he began his speech solemnly enough:


“I do not hate anyone. I look for grace wherever I can find it.


So I say this gently: The Biden administration sucks.”

And, without ceremony, it was all downhill from there as he continued his roast!

The Washington Examiner reported on some of Kennedy’s hilarious comments.

…The Biden administration sucks,

Kennedy said this while calling out The Regime’s handling of matters including the border, the Afghanistan withdrawal, and COVID-19.

He continued:

[Resident] Biden has been spectacularly awful. If you put [Resident] Biden in charge of the Sahara desert, he would run out of sand.


If the aliens landed in Washington, D.C., tomorrow and said, ‘Take me to your leader,’ it would be embarrassing.

Kennedy said the egos of people in government make him wonder how some of them:

[M]ade it through the birth canal.


The Right would need to get some new conspiracy theories because all the old ones came true.

This man could easily be a stand-up comedian on the side:

Senator Kennedy on Thursday had plenty more to say as reported by the Washington Times:

Common sense is illegal in Washington, D.C.

Speaking at the annual CPAC gathering on the outskirts of Washington, Mr. Kennedy, Louisiana Republican, laid out what “the truth is.”

America is not perfect, but we are good, and I cannot imagine what the world would be like without our country.

Everyone appreciates a good speech from the senator:

Final thoughts: Senator John Kennedy is a class act. If Conservatism could trade six Senate RINOs for more of him, this country would be much better off.