Everything Just Got A Little More Racist Over The Weekend

As Def-Con News readers are aware, liberals think everything is racist and just need a little time to catalog it all. Over the weekend they added 3 new entries: organized pantries, under-spicing food, and coffee. I’m guessing liberals had a food-related racism summit and this is the results of their findings.

First up is this fun bit of information from Loyola professor Jenna Drenton, writing for The Conversation:

As someone who studies digital consumer culture, I’ve noticed an uptick in glamorized, stylized and fully stocked pantries on TikTok and Instagram, giving rise to a content genre I dub “pantry porn.”

Storing spices in coordinated glass jars and color coordinating dozens of sprinkles containers may seem trivial. But tidiness is tangled up with status, and messiness is loaded with assumptions about personal responsibility and respectability.

What lies beneath the surface of this anti-messiness, pro-niceness stance is a history of classist, racist and sexist social structures.

BTW, the author of this is a super-white liberal kook, who basically said that black people are slobs, incapable of being organized. That seems a hell of a lot more racist than someone with a tidy pantry, doesn’t to?

Next, is the crazy bitch who claims that white people don’t spice their food, and as such, are racist:

Making a blanket statement about an entire race is racist. Making a false blanket statement about an entire is race is ignorant racism. Since when don’t white people put spice in their food? Colonel Sanders used 11 herbs and spices in his fried chicken, and he’s the whitest guy, besides Joe Biden, who ever lived.

Also, the Loyola professor just got done saying how white people were racist for storing their spices in colored jars, so clearly honkies use spices.

And finally, don’t you dare drink a cup of coffee to relax over your spice-related racism, because it too is racist according to AFRU:

Created by Black people for Black people—and now a pillar of white supremacist capitalism. If you consume coffee, you are helping an industry built on racism.

If you’re a person of color, you know what I’m talking about. You walk into a new coffee shop and your senses are overwhelmed with whiteness and you get the glare from the Karens. The white hipster barista lines herself up between you and the bathrooms, ready to tell you non-customers aren’t welcome.

If you have a white coffee drinking friend, he or she may have even let you in on the old coffee joke white coffee drinkers share when PoC aren’t around: “there are three things that are necessary in order to make a cup of coffee, and they are: first, a black man to roast the coffee; second, a yellow man to grind it; and third, a white man to drink it.”

Well, I’m here to validate your lived experience; coffee is in fact horribly racist, and there’s data to back it up.

I’ve never heard that joke before, and I know all the jokes white people share when PoC aren’t around. Also, coffee wasn’t created by black people for black people, so there is no data to back this up.

I wonder why liberals haven’t gotten around to classifying the democratic party as racist. If they were going in alphabetical order, they should have gotten to the letter “D” by now. Then again, being organized is racist so they are probably doing it in a scattered and haphazard way.