Fox News-Dominion Legal Settlement is Biggest Bait & Switch Scam in History

Because Fox News settled with Dominion, now the Marxist-controlled mainstream media will go into full bait-and-switch mode. They will claim “the case is settled and closed. It’s now proven the 2020 election wasn’t rigged and stolen.”

This by Wayne Allyn Root on

What a scam. What a con. This is the all-time bait and switch.

I may be the TV and radio host most associated with reporting the 2020 election was rigged and stolen. I’ve said it thousands of times on radio and TV. I’ve said it from the day after the 2020 election to today. I’ll never stop saying it. Because it’s true.

The 2020 election was stolen.

And I believe elections are still being rigged and stolen. The 2022 midterms were almost as bad as the 2020 presidential election. One race is Exhibit A. [Democrats Communists/Globalists] clearly stole the Arizona Governor’s race from Kari Lake. [The Arizona Left]rigged the vote by making sure vote tabulators didn’t work on Election Day in heavily GOP districts.

[The Left] are rigging and stealing elections like the Swiss make clocks—with precision. It’s what they do. They rig, cheat and steal.

Yet in all these many years of my reporting and shouting and warning about stolen elections…I’ve never mentioned Dominion, or their voting machines. Because there are so many other simple, easy, low-tech ways [the Left] steal elections.

The following is the democrat/communist/globalist playbook for stealing elections:

*No government-issued Voter (or photo) ID.

Did you know we are the only major nation in the world without government issued Voter ID? Did you know all the other nations acknowledge that Voter ID is necessary to prevent widespread voter fraud?

Did you know that Mexico requires government issued Photo ID plus a thumbprint?

Did you know U.S. territory Puerto Rico requires government issued Photo ID plus thumbprint to vote? Yet in America its “racist” (says [Leftist] frauds) to ask for the same thing required in a U.S. territory.

*Mail-in ballots handed to everyone (in many states mass mailed to voters without even asking), without Voter ID.

Did you know we are the only major nation in the world to allow mail-in ballots? Did you know all the other nations acknowledge publicly that mail-in ballots are a recipe for massive voter fraud?

Did you know even ultra-woke Starbucks demands in-person voting for its own union elections? They told a court that voting by mail leads to voter fraud.


But this is merely a start. Specifically, this is how the 2020 election was stolen:

*Five states colluding to stop the vote count on election night—the first time in history this occurred.

They sent all witnesses home, then they magically found enough votes by morning to overcome Trump’s huge leads—with no witnesses in the room.

*Ballot harvesting with no oversight.

And this is a practice that until Covid was criminal in 49 states.

*Ballot drop boxes with no oversight.

If you don’t understand, please watch the movie “2000 Mules.”

*Little or no signature match on these millions of mail-in ballots.

The counting of fake ballots continued for days after the election. Ask yourself one simple question: What are the odds only Democrats have won every single time in history, after being behind on Election Night, and then a week of counting ballots? I’m no math genius, but I’d say the odds of that are 1 in a billion.

*Voter Rolls contain millions of inactive or improper registrations.

*Illegal aliens voting by the millions.

In many states (like my state Nevada) it’s legal for illegal aliens to get drivers licenses. While at DMV they are automatically registered to vote. You don’t think they’re voting?

*The $400 million dollars from Zuckerberg went to no good, of course.

[It was for] get out the vote only in deep blue [commuist/globalist] districts.

[And] if Zuckerberg gave $400 million, how much did George Soros give to rig the election?

*How much did China give in illegal contributions to the Left?

We know [communists/globalists] took in hundreds of millions in suspicious donations from unemployed Americans. Where do you think that came from?

*Last but not Least, We the People know the FBI rigged the election.

They paid Twitter to change the news feed in favor of Biden and silence conservative voices on social media. See emails released by Elon Musk.

The FBI rigged the 2020 election. FACT.

So, a Fox News Corporation settlement with Dominion settles nothing—the 2020 election was rigged and stolen from a hundred different directions.

Final thoughts: Let’s not fall for the bait and switch.

But the FNC settlement with Dominion does raise at least one new question: Why? A trial will bring out information. What information is worth $787.5M to Rupert Murdoch to remain buried?