It would be literally impossible to teach about human reproduction without noting the different roles gender plays in it, but an elementary school in Vermont is giving it a go in the name of wokeness. No longer will the school use terms like “male” and “female” while teaching sex education, so kids won’t get the impression that there are gender-specific functions in making babies.
The NY Post reports on the latest instance of the left trying to erase women:
A Vermont elementary school says it will no longer use the words “male” or “female” when teaching fifth-grade students about puberty and human reproductive systems.
Families of students at Founders Memorial School received a letter on April 20 informing them of the changes to the science and health curriculum.
The changes reflect the district’s desire to use “gender inclusive language,” Principal Sara Jablonski wrote in the letter.
“In an effort to align our curriculum with our equity policy, teachers will be using gender inclusive language throughout this unit. With any differences, we strive to use ‘person-first’ language as best practice,” wrote Jablonski.
How is it inclusive to completely exclude men and women from a lesson on human reproduction? That’s excluding 99.9% of the population to make trans weirdoes feel like they aren’t mistakes of nature.
This is already a complete joke, and here is the demented punchline:
Instead of referring to a person as a “boy” or “male,” teachers will say “person who produces sperm.” Likewise, they will no longer say “girl” or “female” but “person who produces eggs.”
Hens also produce eggs, so surely these students will think it’s okay to produce sperm with chickens. This is educational malpractice and a brazen attempt to make kids, not only stupider, but of accepting nonsense as reality.
As luck would have it, Def Con News has obtained (not really) an exclusive lesson plan from this radical curriculum:
Since gender is assigned at birth and makes no bearing on whether someone is a man or a woman, the way babies are made starts when a woman with a penis produces sperm inside a man’s vagina, fertilizing their eggs. This meeting of sperm and eggs results in a clump of cells that hangs out in the genderless person’s uterus. Time is a gendered construct of the patriarch, so after a random period, that clump of cells passes through the birth canal and is magically transformed into a human baby that can decide whether it is a boy or a girl.
Of course, since the best way to save lives is by killing those clumps of cells, abortion is the safest form of human reproduction.
You can laugh, but I bet that isn’t too far away from what these groomers are teaching the children. It would be easier to de-pants Barbie and Ken dolls and tell the kids that there’s no difference between women and men.
This is Orwellian on a completely new level. They seek to control the minds of children by making words and ideas meaningless. War is peace, freedom is slavery, and dicks are pussies.