Democrats Communists/Globalists without fail always come through with a way to top, to outdo the last crazy thing they said or did.
With that said, take note of what New York City Mayor Eric Adams is proposing.
This from
NYC is facing numerous issues including the city losing residents who are fleeing to red states like Florida.
What most people don’t realize though, is that NYC has been getting an influx of residents as well. Yes, illegals from south of the border are being moved there in droves?
More than 72,000 border crossers have arrived in NYC since the spring of last year, which is creating all sorts of support issues. And the problem has gotten so bad that even Eric Adams, the mayor himself has said that immigration is costing New Yorkers 5 million a day and it “is not sustainable.”
Yesterday, Eric Adams, in a rush of infinite wisdom, suggested how NYC is going to “fix” the problem.
You may ask, ‘Are they going to ship them out or are will they find a way to stop them from coming in?’Â No, of course not. That is too obvious.
What he suggested is far crazier than you could imagine.
Mayor Adams said:
There are residents who are suffering right now because of economic challenges; they have spare rooms, they have locales, and if we can find a way…we can take that $4.2 billion, $4.3 billion maybe, now, that we potentially have to spend, and we can put it back into the pockets of everyday New Yorkers
Did you pick up on what he is asking of New Yorkers?
Adams is saying that they have this huge chest of cash to pay for these issues, billions of dollars, and there is a way that the people of New York can get a piece of that money.
All they have to do is open up a spare bedroom in their home and the city will pay them to house an immigrant.
What a frightening solution that will certainly have bad consequences. Right?
It’s funny every time these Hollywood and east coast liberals propose a solution for something like this, they never seem to want it in their own neighborhood, they want it to be in someone else’s neighborhood. Low-income housing? Sounds great! Let’s put it….over there. They always fight it when its near them.
Well, this is the perfect solution so congratulations Eric Adams. You’ve finally stumbled across a way to expose every democrat in NYC. Now, set the example for all to follow. Show the people by taking in an illegal alien, perhaps an entire family into the spare rooms of your home and reap the benefits of extra income. And think of how easily you can accommodate an illegal family in your $7M 900 square foot condo—what an amazing example you will be setting for all of New York City.
There is one small negative to this proposal that the people of New York must first consider. The illegals are trashing the hotels they have been provided for shelter. There has been wild behavior reported, underage consumption of alcohol, sex orgies, and fights. But hey, New Yorkers, just think of all that extra income you will be pocketing.
Step forward New Yorkers and help Mayor Adams with this problem.
You aren’t using that extra bedroom. Sign up today to house an illegal!
Leave it to a radical liberal to come up with such a crazy and dangerous idea. Does Mayor Adams actually believe New Yorkers will buy into this program?