Sen. Josh Hawley: If the People in Power Can Jail Their Political Opponents ‘We Don’t Have a Republic Anymore’ (VIDEO)

Senator Josh Hawley commented on the Trump indictment this week while speaking at an event in Colorado.

This in part from

He said that if the people in power can jail their political opponents, then we no longer have a republic.

And this is frighteningly, alarmingly correct. The United States of America—without a shot being fired in defense—has become a banana republic.

You may be wondering, specifically, how this came about. Sadly—and criminally—our elected leaders and their appointed judiciary and support staff members compromised their integrity, they failed to fulfill their oaths of office for financial gain, as a result of threat of physical harm or death, and/or as a result of blackmail.

And now this cabal of turncoats, of seditionists and subversives are determined to bring down our beloved country rather than suffer a loss of their power and the certain retribution of President Trump and of We the People that will accompany that loss.

Breitbart News reported:

Senator Josh Hawley spoke at the summit, hosted by the Centennial Institute at Colorado Christian University, weighing in on the left’s increasing politicization of the federal government.

He said that America is in a moment of great ‘danger,’ contending that the decisions made in the next four to six years will determine the fate of the country for the next 50 to 60 years—or if America will even remain a country 50 or 60 years from now.

Senator Hawley contended:

It is a moment of danger because the left is assaulting the very foundations of our nation.

All I can say about it is this, if the people in power can put in jail their political opponents, we don’t have a republic anymore, that’s the danger we’re in.

Hawley made the same point on Twitter.

Watch the video below:

The trouble with Senator Hawley’s words is they will not be recorded and saved for posterity’s sake if We Patriots fail to retake our Constitutional Republic.

The communists/globalists are fighting for their lives and our republican leadership cannot move beyond seeing this as a war of words.

The Left plans to assume full control of America. Their hatred of Trump and the fact that he set them back four years are their rallying cry. And now that their designs have been discovered, they are not only fighting for their original goal but this is a win-or-die situation for them.

Final thoughts: Accurate observation, Senator Hawley. Now, however, the time for talk has expired. The time has come to kick our own damn battle plan in the ass, to get this show on the road.

Again, a word of caution, Senator Hawley, your well thought out words will not be saved by our enemy if they win.