Liberal News Outlet Gets Very Bad News – They Just Got Hit With the “Elon Curse”

When Elon Musk took over social giant Twitter, many liberals were outraged. They threw full-blown temper tantrums.

Why? Because liberals realized they would no longer be able to use Twitter as they had been doing? They knew Musk was going to allow all people, regardless of their views, to speak freely on the platform.

This from

‘But there is something ghastly wrong with this,’ they felt. ‘We had such a good thing going.’

Their response? Major networks thought they could “punish” Twitter by leaving the platform.

CBS made a big stink about leaving, only to come back in a day. Government-funded leftist network NPR left, after the website properly labeled its account “state-affiliated media.” NPR grossly overestimated its influence online. Because soon after leaving Twitter, this happened:

From The Post Millennial:

National Public Radio (NPR) has seen its web traffic tank since announcing its departure from Twitter in April.

The outlet rage quit the platform in response to being labeled “state-affiliated media.”

According to web analytics firm Similarweb, went from 111.5 million page visits in March to 104.2 million in May, a decrease of over seven million.

During that time, the website dropped four spots in the United States, landing at 143rd most popular.

Seemingly, NPR, which stands for “National Public Radio,” was peeved when Twitter labeled its account “state-affiliated media.” Well, NPR is funded by grants from the federal government. That means—in unison—it is state-affiliated media.

Twitter was providing transparency to its users by letting them know that NPR is funded by Washington. But apparently, the liberals who work at NPR wanted to keep the wool over your eyes. They quit Twitter like a kid leaving the park with his ball and glove.

The result, however, has seemed to hurt only NPR’s website.

Twitter seems to be doing just fine. Elon Musk is apparently rolling out new features for users and is encouraging more engagement with the promise of sharing ad revenue with users. NPR quit the party, thinking other organizations would flee with them. So far, wrong answer.

But no one cares about NPR, right? Let us keep in mind, however, NPR is just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. More Patriot battle wins are in the works.

Final thoughts: To be labeled, ‘state-affiliated media’ is appropriate and condemning. May the website traffic of NPR—a federal-government-funded entity—drop off the chart.