Obama Basically Calls Tim Scott And Nikki Haley A Couple Of Uncle Toms

The democratic party, which up until recently were the slave-owning, KKK, segregationists, have convinced stupid people that they are the party of acceptance and inclusion. Part of that ruse is establish a rule that minorities have to be with them, otherwise they aren’t really minorities. Barack Obama did his part by slamming Republican presidential hopefuls, Tim Scott and Nikki Haley as essentially “Uncle Toms.”

Obama appeared on his former advisor David Axelrod’s podcast and kicked things off by announcing, “I haven’t spent a lot of time studying Tim Scott’s speeches.” That however didn’t stop him from having an opinion on the South Carolina Senator:

“I think there is a long history of African-American or other minority candidates within the Republican Party who will validate America and say ‘Everything’s great!’ and ‘We can all make it!’ I mean Nikki Haley I think has a similar approach. ‘Look at me, I’m Asian- and Indian-American woman and my family came here and we worked hard.’ Clarence Thomas has probably gave the same speech at some point,” started Obama.

The obvious problem here is, that Obama never worked hard for anything and had it all handed to him. It’s no wonder he hates on people that earn what they have.

“And look, I’m not being cynical about Tim Scott individually. I am maybe suggesting that the rhetoric of ‘Can’t we all get along’ and those quotes you made from my speech in 2004 about there is a United States of America — that has to be undergirded with an honest accounting of our past and our present,” he continued.

Honest about our past like calling out the democratic party for their racism, or no?

“And so if a Republican, who may even be sincere in saying, ‘I want us all to live together,’ doesn’t have a plan for how do we address crippling generational poverty that is a consequence of hundreds of years of racism in this society, and we need to do something about that. If that candidate is not willing to acknowledge that, again and again, we’ve seen discrimination in everything from … getting a job to buying a house to how the criminal justice system operates,” said Obama.

What exactly did Obama do to address his party’s racism during his 8-year occupation of the White House? The racial divide widen under his reign and black people did worse than they had in decades.

“If somebody’s not proposing, both acknowledging and proposing, elements that say, ‘No, we can’t just ignore all that and pretend as if everything’s equal and fair. We actually have to walk the walk and not just talk the talk.’ If they’re not doing that, then I think people are rightly skeptical,” Obama finished.

Okay, so because Tim Scott and Nikki Haley think it’s possible for non-whites to succeed in America, they’re not really minorities? Also, Obama, who admits he knows nothing of these two, says that everyone is skeptical of them. What an asshole.

Scott wasn’t about to take Obama’s bullshit laying down, and absolutely wrecked him on Twitter:

And then Nikki Haley got in on the curb-stomping:

Here’s something to consider: Barack Obama was this unremarkable underachiever, who doesn’t seem to have actually existed prior to getting into politics. He was groomed by the establishment regime to be a useful minority idiot and placate black voters. As was already mentioned, he never did anything to help black people as president, so he served as a token minority mascot for the democratic party.

If you look up what an “Uncle Tom” is, everything written about fits it perfectly. Tim Scott and Nikki Haley are self-made successes who can think for themselves and that’s the worst kind of minority according to the democratic party. Continuing his role as the democrats’ house boy, Obama is doing everything he can to stop them.