The good news for biden, the GOP has a candidate that even he can beat.

 I received an email just last week, from none other than Mike Pence. I have finally, as a writer reached the pinnacle of success. It has been a long hard grueling year, even with the last 6-month hiatus. For any of you less important, little people, allow me to share with you his very personal message to me and my response.

“Friend, this is Mike Pence. Let me be the first to tell you I’ve officially launched my campaign for President of the United States.” You can watch our full launch video here: Mike’s video. 

(yawn) Yes, I was less than… enthused.

This email continues:

” This is not a decision I came to overnight, Friend. It has taken years of prayerful  consideration with my wife Karen and our family.”

(Maybe you might want to rethink that,  criminal scumbag.)

“After many long nights and longer conversations, we came to this conclusion: Our nation is at a crossroads, and the decisions we make next will chart our nation’s course for decades to come.” 

(I could have told him we as a country were at a crossroads on January 6th, 2021, or soon after when the FBLie and DOJ started to arrest political prisoners. I’m curious about when and what was Mike’s first clue. I also noticed he waited till after biden’s DOJ dismissed the notion of filing any charges for taking classified documents out of the Whitehouse. Which I would like to point out is a crime when anyone but the President does it. One, even Senator and then Vice-President biden is guilty of. Hey Garland, Wray, and Baby Carrots you plan on doing your jobs?) Yeah, I’ll get to that in a minute.  

“I believe that God and the Constitution must return to the forefront of our families, our communities and our government.”

“Growing up in Indiana, surrounded by God-fearing, hardworking Hoosiers, I always knew that I wanted to give back to the state and the country that had given me so much. During the Trump-Pence administration, I was able to take steps toward achieving that goal with conservative policies that put American families FIRST.”

( If you want to give back then drop out of the race and get out of the way. I would also love to hear even one accomplishment Mike did that set any policy during the Trump Administration. He was a placeholder, nothing more. Trump gave orders Mike followed them, Trump directed any policy not you Mike.) 

“But our work is far from over.” 

(Not your’s Mike, your work is over. You screwed the pooch now go away.)

“Our values have never been under attack like they are today: from our schools, to our police departments, all the way to the car sitting in your driveway, Biden’s White House and their far-left elitists have never been less connected to Americans’ day-to-day lives, yet they have more say over what we do than ever before”.

“Bottom line: America is in dire need of common sense leadership. From one God-fearing conservative to another, I’m asking YOU to be a leading voice in our campaign to bring our country back to what it once was.”

(Common sense? If Mike had any common sense he would know he stands no chance of winning after stabbing the country and President Trump in the back and he would have never even entered the race).

If Bidenflation is hurting you too much to get involved financially, that’s perfectly ok. I simply ask that you keep our campaign and everyone involved in your prayers – we’re going to need it. 

Thank you for your time, Friend, you’ll be hearing a lot more from me soon. 

God bless you and God bless America,
Mike Pence

I feel so much better now knowing that Mike said it was perfectly ok that I could keep my own money, that was a weight I almost couldn’t bear.

I didn’t watch the video, and I won’t watch it. I did reply to his email. 

I wouldn’t vote for Mike Pence if he was the last person running for political office, any office. I might even vote for the bumbling old fool we have now as President the one you helped install. You are both traitors, but at least biden is unlikely to serve his whole term unless he finishes it from prison. I will be voting for President Trump. The man you sold out, in the country you turned your back on. Enjoy your 5 percent. I’m betting Mike will be out of the race before the 2024 year begins. Goodbye. I then unsubscribed from any future emails, I’m not sure, but I believe that means I will not be hearing any more from him anytime soon. 

If all of us who received such a message from any other candidate other than President Trump replied in such a manner I believe we could send a message to not only all the other candidates but to the leadership of the GOP also. Ronna Romney McDaniels, Mitch “Swamp Turtle” McConnell. and Kevin “Baby Carrots” McCarthy need to know we will no longer listen to their lies, and accept their failure. We must hold their feet to the fire, we must hold the line, even going so far as to vote against them, even voting for a demonRat to remove them from office if need be. I hear you now, has Harbinger lost his blanking mind? Maybe, but we keep re-electing these failures and expecting them to wake up, to give us different results. It is time we wake up, and realize they will never change. We must be that force of change, we must vote them out, even if that means voting for the other side in the uni-party. I’m not saying you vote for Adam “Pencil Neck” Schiff, but if it gets the war started sooner all the better.       

I would further like to add that I copied, and pasted all of Mike’s email, any mistakes are his or that of the person that drafted the email. I also didn’t include the link requesting that I send money. I won’t send any money to that lowlife scum-sucking double-crossing worthless POS, and I figured none of you wanted to either, so I didn’t include it. If you are so inclined as to send this traitorous POS any of your hard-earned money you can find the link somewhere else, I refuse to aid this placeholder in any way.

Mike said he wants to return the United States to common sense. He had that opportunity on January 6th, 2021 and he refused to stop the election steal. And now he thinks he is somehow deserving of our vote? NOT MINE!!!

I can only say that I am glad the white hair, backstabbing, traitorous, son of a bitch was never in my chain of command. And the sooner he and all his kind (biden, Harris, Linda Graham, and the other liars, liberals, and RINOs) are buried in the ground the better. I want to be clear, I am in no way calling for violence against any of them, but if Civil War 2.0 starts their actions may have already earned them the title of targets of opportunity. 

I look forward to hearing your thoughts. Feel free to blast me. Comment if you think I’ve lost my mind.

I would like to point out that after careful review by my editor, The Lady H, and taking her advice I have edited this article a bit. I have toned down my language, only slightly. I am… unaware of how to tell someone to F*** O** without sounding crass, and uncouth.