Commentary for a Sunday: Kamala Harris’ Problem May Very Well Be Dyslexia

Children can be blunt, often cruel in their assessments. Imagine the teasing and laughter hurled upon Kamala Harris on the playground in kindergarten or first grade and the years that followed.

This from

This woman has heard the word ‘stupid’ all her life. It is easy to conclude she was ‘born without a brain’ and move on, and that probably is an accurate description of the lack of support she received as a child.

If that were the case, we would have an explanation why the illegitimate vice president is so defensive, reportedly impossible to work for, and impossible to coach.

Most people have met someone like “Kamala” once or twice, and the normal responses are to try to be kind, or just ignore the person. Unfortunately for Kamala Harris—after years of over-achieving to compensate for her shortcoming—she climbed through the ranks of the democrat party based upon her gender, her skin color, and her alleged sexual favors.

She epitomizes the devastation that comes from affirmative action and other critical race theory nonsense.

As vice president, more is expected of her than she can provide, and she is a gift that keeps on giving for the Twitter assassins.

There are a couple of essential qualities necessary for anyone working in the newspaper business and the modern media offshoots today. The first and most important quality is to be able to read. The second quality, inseparable from the first, is an ability to understand what you read. Then common sense takes over as knowledge is applied.


Is it possible that Kamala Harris cannot read?

If so, this would explain everything. Her gender and skin color via affirmation action pushed her through high school, college, law school, and the democrat party machine. She has put the Peter Principle to shame by the multiple layers of in competence through which she has been promoted.

To the point, early on in the Obiden White House the vice-presidential staff complained she would not take the time to read briefing papers. She cannot deliver a prepared statement, or work from notes. She is an off-the-cuff disaster.

Think of your own mind and how often it reaches for memories from some fact to bolster a point, or how often a literacy reference creeps into the conversation. Then think of a mind that has been, for whatever reason, left vacant.

Simply put, this woman is wandering through a wonderful universe, and she is incapable of assembling what she knows and exporting it, through language, to others.

Anyone who cares for a patient with advanced dementia hears Kamala Harris-like word salads all day long. There are no anchors, no cohesion, no continuity of thought. America has two of them in key positions—and the world is watching.


When one speculates as to why the vice president of the United States is incomprehensible most of the time, perhaps the issue, as a child, was as simple as dyslexia. If one attempts to read Shakespeare from right to left, it is going to be a long slog, unless of course, it is an Arabic translation.

The Mayo Clinic, in its discussion of dyslexia, says school-age children so inflected will:

  • Read below level for age;
  • Be unable to process and understand what is heard;
  • Have difficulty finding the right word or forming answers to questions;
  • Be unable to remember sequence of things;
  • Be unable to recognize or hear similarities and differences in letters and words;
  • Be unable to sound out and pronounce an unfamiliar word;
  • Be unable to spell words;
  • Take unusually long times to complete tasks that involve reading or writing;
  • And avoid activities that involve reading.

Someone who cannot learn also may have experienced a lot of ridicule on the path to adulthood, and that would tend to make her uncomfortable during interactions with others. So why does Kamala Harris commonly burst into laughter, often at inappropriate times? Perhaps the woman is very, very uncomfortable in her own skin.

Regardless of whether or not these observations are accurate, the communist/globalist party cannot continue to leave Kamala Harris a heartbeat away from the presidency.

It is a distraction to argue about her politics. The issue is her inability to walk, talk, and chew gum at the same time. And if you are thinking that is unkind, it paraphrases President Lyndon B. Johnson’s psychoanalysis of his rival, then Republican leader in the U.S. House, Gerald Ford.

The politics of it is dark. What seems so obvious in the makeup of Kamala Harris would be apparent to the party kingmakers too.

Harris wanders about an intellectual desert, albeit for different reasons, with her boss, Joe Biden.

Final thought, a question and an answer: Why did the communist/globalist cabal select two intellectually challenged people to run in 2020?

First, Hillary had been determined to be a dead end. Hard to believe, but the cabal determined she was dragging more baggage than Slow Joe.

Then, in reassessing, the cabal determined the two at the top would be easier to manipulate if they were more malleable and merely the front of the shadow government empowered to perform all the dirty work and make all the decisions politically astute people concerned about appearances and reelection would naturally avoid. Hence, Joe and Kamala.

God speed to Conservatism and to the Take Back of our Constitutional Republic.