Marjorie Taylor Greene Appears in Anti-Transgender Rap Video

MTG’s constituency in northwest Georgia is southern conservative and not fully pleased—at least at first glimpse of this cover pic—with the release of her involvement in a rap video.

Granted the video carry’s a conservative message but there aren’t many fans of rap music among her red neck conservative constituency—and I say ‘red neck’ not as a pejorative, rather with love in my heart and a standing dislike for rap noise.

This from

The rapper, Kurt Jantz, professionally known as Forgiato Blow, is an American rapper whose lyrics feature conservative themes and support for President Trump. Jantz is a self-proclaimed pioneer of the Trumpist hip hop genre of “MAGA rap.”

Click HERE for more information on Kurt Jantz.

Into her second term in the U.S. House of Representatives, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, has shown the nation another rite of passage for female officeholders: Star in a rap music video.

Greene wrote in a July 16 Instagram post:

I never thought I’d be featured in a rap video but then again I never thought the left would be grooming our children!

The Republican congresswoman and self-proclaimed “Christian nationalist” from Georgia, who previously called for the end of Pride Month, appears in the video for rapper Forgiato Blow’s song “MTG,” which is pro-Trump and anti-LGBTQ.

Kurt Jantz a.k.a. Forgiato Blow–pro-Trump, pro-2A, anti-sexual abuse of children.

The video begins with a quote from Representative Greene’s 60 Minutes interview in April:

Even Joe Biden the President himself supports children being sexualized and having transgender surgeries. Sexualizing children is what pedophiles do to children.

In the video, rapper Forgiato Blow calls Greene “MAGA’s MVP” and reminds listeners that Trump did not lose in 2020 while Rep. Greene sits in a gold-winged throne.

Greene said in a statement:

Most rap videos exploit women, glorify drugs and violence, but Forgiato Blow’s new video is about calling out the left’s grooming agenda and protecting our children from genital mutilation. It was a blast filming this video.

She added, referring to a bill she sponsored to prohibit trans and gender-expansive children from accessing gender-affirming care:

I’m proud of Forgiato Blow’s support of my Protect Children’s Innocence Act.

The bill would prosecute and sentence doctors found guilty of prescribing such treatments to up to 25 years in prison, and would ban medical schools from teaching about gender-affirming treatments—thereby ensuring that transgender people, including trans adults, will be unable to receive transition-related treatments in the future.

Greene, promoting the song, tweeted:

Protecting our children has to be our number one priority.

Forgiato Blow’s past songs—many shared by Greene on social media—have brought attention to the toll of the AIDS epidemic:

…fake news already spreading disease, like two queers with HIV…

And they have opposed companies like Bud Light and Target for their collaborations with LGBTQ content creators and designers.

Representative Greene has dedicatedly attacked the groomer, sexual-abuse-of-children community, including calling the LGBTQ-inclusive school curricula “child abuse.”

She also has adamantly stated she is against abortion and same-sex marriage, having attacked communist/globalist politicians for supporting the Respect for Marriage Act.

And Rep. Greene protested a Drag Queen Story Time event in Georgia prior to being elected to Congress, claiming it was “brainwashing” children. She wrote on her social media:

Trans does not mean gender change, it just means a gender refusal and gender pretending! Truth is truth, it is not a choice!!!

Final thoughts: At first blush, Congresswoman Greene’s involvement in this rap video was not well received by some of her supporters and constituents. However, after thoroughly digesting the video and its message, We the People see Greene has not changed her tough conservative stance against the sexualization and sexual abuse of children nor has she backed down on her support for President Trump and the importance of returning America to Conservative leadership.

This rap video, as noted above is pro-Trump, anti-communist/globalist, and anti-LGBTQ.