Commentary: Young Woman Goes After Doctors for Putting Her on Testosterone at 17 and Removing Her Breasts

A North Carolina woman is suing a team of doctors who convinced her to “transition” into a male when she was a child dealing with the trauma of sexual assault.

This from

Twenty years ago, the notion that medical professionals would advise a girl to remove her breasts would have been unthinkable. Sadly, “gender transitions” for children are now trendy and encouraged by adults.


This evil cruelty may finally lead to consequences for those

in the medical community who are cashing in on the suffering

of young people by irreversibly mutilating their healthy bodies.


Powerful voices in mediagovernment, and entertainment have helped to normalize the fallacy that people can change their God-given gender. It’s hard to imagine growing up in a society where one of the most basic structures of creation is under attack.

According to the Daily Mail:

Prisha Mosley, who is now 25, did grow up in that society. She says she was talked into taking testosterone and having her breasts removed at age 17.

She is now dealing with the life-changing consequences of that “health care” and is suing those who led her astray.

Mosley’s lawsuit, which was filed Monday in Gaston County, alleges that she was fast-tracked into “gender-affirming care” by profiteering monsters when what she truly needed was therapy.

Mosley says she was assaulted at age 14, which led to feelings of depression and anxiety and an eating disorder. At age 15, she found out about transgenderism on the internet and made the decision to start identifying as male.

When she was 17, she met with a doctor who she says convinced her over the course of an 80-minute visit to begin hormone “therapy” against her parents’ wishes.

Mosley didn’t question the doctor’s advice. Why would she?

At age 18, she was given a double mastectomy:

[M]eaning her medical team robbed her of the ability to

breastfeed a future child before her brain had developed.

She is now raising money for breast reconstruction surgery.

Mosley also developed body and facial hair, a deep voice, and pain in her upper body. She might be infertile.

Mosley is suing…

…plastic surgeon Eric Emerson and his practice, counselors Brie Klein-Fowler and Shana Gordon and their practices, and physician Martha Perry.


Each party is accused of fraud, civil conspiracy, 

medical malpractice, negligent infliction of emotional

distress, and unfair and deceptive trade practices.


The lawsuit states:

They lied when they told Mosley she was actually a boy; they lied when they told her that injecting testosterone into her body would solve her numerous, profound mental and psychological health problems.

They lied by omission, withholding critical information from her about the long-term adverse health consequences and permanent damage these treatments would cause her, and failing to inform her of alternative courses of treatment for her psychological problems.

Mosley told the Mail she wants to stop other doctors from leading confused children down the same path.

She said:

I decided to file a lawsuit because more needs to be done. Just talking isn’t enough.

People who do harm need to be held accountable.

I want justice, and I want to stop this preventable tragedy from happening to anyone else.


There is a sickness in this country, and

the medical community is helping to spread it.


Final thoughts: May We the People not stop with suing a few doctors to try to solve this evil sickness.

Let us please sue and take the credentials to practice medicine as well as incarcerate every damn one of the tormentors who failed to abide by the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm.