Four of the Left’s “Great Ideas”—ALL Deadly and Destructive

In a recent article, The left careens down the road toward totalitarianism, radio program talk-show host and author Mark Levin stated:

The Democrat Party is intent on destroying our nation from the inside out. And while the leftists might not come bearing physical weapons, they do have a more insidious kind of attack: Ideas.

This from

Levin continued:

It’s the battle of ideas. People are persuaded by socialism and Marxism. Why?

Because they never produce what they say they’re going to produce. They produce horror, they produce death, they produce impoverishment. But the promises are endless.

Each of the Left’s “Great Ideas’ should be accompanied with the question—in all seriousness—‘What could possibly go wrong?’

The Left is full of destruction that they mask as “Great Ideas.” But each of their ideas/solutions fails to address the root cause of any given problem. Thus, when those ideas are implemented new and greater problems arise.

Below are four “Great Ideas” on how to become a cleaner, greener world. In each instance, the Left failed to first accurately identify the problem or the specific requirement:

  • Wind turbine blades can’t be recycled. When their useful life is over (after about 20 years), the only solution is to use a diamond-encrusted industrial saw to cut the 350-foot-long composite fiberglass blades into smaller pieces, strap them onto tractor-trailers, and transport to remote landfills where they are buried, never to decompose. Wind power cannot replace fossil fuels, but since “the idea” is so good, governments the world over are phasing out fossil fuels and ramping up wind power, even if it means killing whales (offshore) and birds (on land), or felling huge swaths of forest (16 million trees in Scotland alone) to install them.
  • Ditto with solar panels. These are made from toxic materials (often mined in China under horrifying conditions both to people and the environment), can’t be recycled, won’t biodegrade, break easily and (in the case of large solar farms) incinerate birds flying over.
  • Ditto with electric vehicles. In addition to the terrible conditions under which minerals are mined to construct the batteries, the batteries themselves are incredibly toxic, non-recyclable and difficult to dispose of. They’re also prone to spontaneously combusting in spectacularly destructive ways (creating fires of “insane intensity”) and require something on the order of 30,000 gallons of water to extinguish. Electric vehicles have poor range, poor towing capacity and require long charging times. Batteries are said to last for eight years, and cost between $5,000 and $20,000 (or more) to replace. Additionally, no one wants to address the elephant in the room, namely the strain charging EVs puts on an already stressed power grid, especially in states like California.
  • What about growing food? Recently the U.N. issued a famine warning that predicted ‘Up to 80 million people will be plunged into hunger if climate targets are not met.’ Environmental policymakers were urged to solve the problem by—are you ready for this?—producing less food by curtailing fertilizers, slaughtering cattle and forcibly closing down farms. Great Idea!

These “chalkboard expert” ideas are each terrible.

[H]ighly educated people with no real-world experience…devise ‘fail-safe’ theoretical scenarios, even for things with which they have absolutely no firsthand experience. You know the kind I mean: ‘But I’ve got it all figured out! See, I’ve written it all out on the chalkboard! Of course it will work!’

These “Great Ideas” are being implemented (often forcibly) on a worldwide scale, wasting billions of dollars, destroying the environment, killing wildlife … and all because the Left cannot (or will not) understand why their “Great Ideas” won’t work.

But the left fancies itself, collectively, as great intellectuals, putting forth Great Ideas to a grateful world. They get defensive and angry when anyone points out how and why their Great Ideas are bad.

Of course, those who get defensive or angry are just the useful idiots charged with making sure these “Great Ideas” are enthusiastically embraced at the ground level. The elites implementing these “Great Ideas” are simply power-mad tyrants whose goal is to control everyone to the nth degree.

And, of course, the elites never seem to be hurt by their “Great Ideas.”

Final thoughts: For Conservatism, the Great Hope is knowing nothing the Left attempts ever works. Even the worst of their ideas—communism—was stopped. Globalism too will be stopped.