Opinion for a Monday: Let New York City Die

One of life’s pleasures is watching liberalism destroy itself.

And after all the damage the Left has done to our beloved country, they deserve to have one of the monsters they unleashed on our nation destroy one—and preferably more—of their once-great castles.

This from townhall.com.

Presently, the wrecking ball knocking on the walls of their castles is the illegal alien invasion at our southern border. And the largest castle is none other than New York City.

Further, once in place these illegal aliens are not going anywhere—at least voluntarily—ever. We the People will need to forcibly remove them—deport them or catapult them back over a fully secured border wall which will require guarding.

NOTE: The Obiden Regime which initiated this suicidal, “destructive game of red rover with the world through Mexico” has zero intention of doing the dirty deed.

Someone who actually cares about America and Americans must assume command of America very quickly, and We the People know damn well there is not a communist/globalist alive—with the exception of perhaps RFK Jr.—who can be described as “someone who cares about Americans more than illegal aliens.”

That’s what makes it all the sweeter now that we’re seeing liberal cities and states suffer the economic pain they happily supported being forced on conservative areas along the border. 

Remember when these people insisted illegals were the economic engine driving the country? Insanity!

That’s been the standard left-wing lie…for a decade. They were better than horrible Americans, worked harder, contributed more to society (even though, thanks to language barriers and illiteracy even in their native tongues, they weren’t able to participate in it), and committed fewer crimes than we awful Americans.

That’s now been exposed for the lie it is, as Leftist after Leftist whine and complain about the costs associated with a relatively small number of illegals compared to what their “progressive” open borders policies force border towns to endure on a weekly basis.

If illegals were so wonderful, New York City, Chicago, etc., wouldn’t be whining about the strain on their social services, they’d be counting the increased tax revenue and begging for more to be sent to their areas. 

But everything the Left has said about illegal aliens has been a lie:

– They aren’t an economic plus, they’re a disaster.

– To the extent they pay taxes (and don’t work under the table), it amounts to a drop in the bucket compared to cost of social programs they Hoover up like Hunter Biden in a room full of cocaine-covered hookers.

– Their kids cost a fortune to educate because they know no English and can’t even read in their own language.

– American children suffer, but no [communist/globalist] gives a damn.

Now New York City is pleading for mercy:

– After a year of illegals flooding the city, still amounting to a fraction of their population and about half of what Texas experiences monthly, they’re going broke.

– That boost the economy hasn’t materialized, just a bunch of working age men not working, but drinking themselves into a stupor in the city’s expensive hotels while wasting food the city buys for them.

– The only growth industries surrounding these illegals are prostitution and drugs. 

– Crime [has] skyrocketed and Americans [have] suffered.

– [The Left] said nothing because they don’t care, they want the potential future voters. 

But the money, oh the money. New York City Mayor Eric Adams now says:

[T]hese illegals will destroy New York City.

And We the People say: ‘Ba Bye!’

Let New York City die. Let Chicago die. New Jersey, Massachusetts, everywhere these sanctuary Leftists rule and are currently choking on what they’ve supported imposing on others, let them collapse. And may Conservatism enjoy the view as it happens. Because from the ashes we will build anew.

That the financial hub of the world, with a population

of more than 8 million, can be crippled to the point

of bankruptcy by just over 100,000 illegals

over a year is a testament to the lies liberals tell. 

This is what these suicidal, compromised, Leftist ideologues have created, at least when it was impacting only red areas along the border. But their chickens have come home to roost.

To quote the great John McClane from when he saved Nakatomi Tower from a different terrorist invasion:

Welcome to the party, pal.

Leftists love to virtue signal to their friends about how enlightened they are compared to those racist rednecks complaining of invasion. However, now that “they have to step over sleeping junkies and bodily waste to go to the grocery store or take their kids to school,” their cause has changed. They now are directly impacted, and they are demanding something be done to return their lives to pristine pleasance.

They don’t want the invasion to be stopped and the border secured, they want this mess to stop impacting them, that’s all.


Well, Too Late A**holes.

You have what your stolen elections have given to you.


Now, let us enjoyably watch these god forsaken cities choke to death on their “compassion by proxy attitude.”