Commentary for a Sunday: Tucker Carlson Says 2024 Won’t Be Trump vs. Biden, Warns Life Is About to Get Serious

This is not close-hold information. In fact, it is already old news but that’ll make the new foretelling of it all the more likely to be correct. Please, give me a try and read on.

Tucker Carlson predicted Thursday that the general election will not be between Pretendent Joe Biden and President Donald Trump. Odds are, though, many of us have already placed bets on this very same thing not happening.

This in part from

Biden is “senile,” Carlson said—an understatement—during a speech at an Intercollegiate Studies Institute event in Wilmington, Delaware. He added that he is not trying to be mean—though we wish he would be—but that it’s “just true.”

Carlson also pointed out that Biden is presently losing in the polls to Trump, despite [Leftist] prosecutors indicting Trump four times on 91 felony counts.

He said:

They’ve done everything they can by legal means—which are in fact extra-legal means if we’re being totally honest, completely Third World stuff—to take the opponent out of the race, and they’re still losing.

Carlson proclaimed:

This is not going to be a race

between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

He threw in as a sidenote:

By the way, if it’s [California Gov.] Gavin Newsom, we all should be very, very concerned. That guy’s scary and I mean it.

Carlson said:

These issues will be forced soon. … The road from here to November of 2024 is going to be filled with developments nobody in this room could foresee. I can promise you that.

As the nation continues to be engaged in an intense spiritual battle, Carlson added:

So, it’s about to get very serious.

… Everything is at stake.

The commentator elaborated on this point in a speech to The Heritage Foundation in April days before he was fired from Fox News.

He pointed to the communist/globalist party’s radical stances on abortion and transgender surgeries for minors as examples of positions that make no sense in logical terms and must be seen as part of a spiritual fight.

Radio talk show host and Reagan administration alum Hugh Hewitt predicted in June that Biden would not be the [communist/globalist] nominee for president, saying he would bow out by the primary election season.

Hewitt drew a parallel to 1968, when then-President Lyndon Johnson told the nation he would not seek re-election after barely winning the first democrat primary contest.

Hewitt explained:

[In New Hampshire,] he managed to beat [Sen.] Eugene McCarthy from Minnesota, but he was not able to beat him convincingly and LBJ dropped out.

Johnson won the democrat primary in the Granite State by 6 percentage points, 48-42, a bad showing for the incumbent president.

Democrat Sen. Robert F. Kennedy of New York jumped in the race four days later.

In a sense, history is repeating itself this election cycle with Kennedy’s son, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., also running against an incumbent democrat pretendent—Joe-Joe Biden.

On March 31, 1968, Johnson announced in a televised address from the Oval Office:

I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your president.

Hewitt believes Biden will make a similar move.

He said:

I think you’ll see an exit in the course of the primaries.

And another communist/globalist, besides Vice Pretendent Kamala Harris, will jump into the fray.

Some think this will be Newsom. Others are confident Newsom will fill Feinstein’s U.S. Senate seat with Big Mike Obama who will soon after announce his candidacy for the presidency.

But still others believe the Obamas will not want to soil their Rock Star status with the dirt that will obviously be forthcoming. For example, the fact that there are two penises in that marriage and no vagina will certainly shock a world of devoted, near-breathless sycophants.

One reason for Biden’s potential exit, in addition to his age [and diminished physical and mental state], could be the mounting troubles his family faces as Republicans continue to unearth details about their shady overseas business deals.

The ultimate “break the glass option,” according to George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley, is that:

Joe Biden could pardon his son and then

announce that he will not run for reelection.

Turley argued:

Facing an impeachment inquiry, low public support, and a son in the legal dock, Biden could use the case to close out his political career.

As Carlson said:

[T]here are many variables that will play out over the next year.

However, the possibility of a Trump-Biden rematch will not be one of them.

Final thoughts: Perhaps, the one noteworthy statement in this article was when Carlson said: ‘The road from here to November of 2024 is going to be filled with developments nobody in this room could foresee.’

The current number one theme is the Left must rid themselves of Joe-Joe. He has accumulated way too much baggage over his decades of nefarious, immoral behavior and has become an anchor and chain around the necks of the communist/globalist crime syndicate.

But this isn’t nearly half of what will hit We the People between the eyes very soon. I’m not intimating world war, although that is a possibility. No, I’m suggesting the U.S. military—those loyal to President Trump not the TV Generals—will take control of nation-wide law enforcement, border control, rounding up illegals and flying them out, arresting the coup d’état plotters and election fraud actors, arresting hundreds of others for illegal/unconstitutional behavior, as well as overseeing the 2024 elections nationwide.

Remember Trump’s entourage when he reported for his arraignment in Fulton County, Georgia? Obviously that was the motorcade of a seated President of the United States of America. We must not doubt that the military machine is behind President Trump.

The Georgia trials of President Trump and his co-defendants will hit us soon too, with Trump’s lawyer Sidney Powell scheduled to be in court on or about October 23rd. We can expect information overload to come out of these court cases. And from other court cases against President Trump with all their disclosures of before-now classified and/or simply unreleased information being heard by We the People—and for the first time by the useful idiot leftist sycophants.

Further, We the People must anticipate nearly all of Congress being forcibly removed—remember, the Brunson Brothers’ case was decided upon and SCOTUS is merely awaiting an appropriate time to release their decision. We must expect the STHTF directly afterward.

And don’t overlook the fact that at least a half dozen states have already begun court action to remove President Trump from their 2024 Presidential ballots. We must also expect other states to follow. Although, this is an element of tyranny that must not be allowed to take hold.

All of this and more is possible. Exciting times are ahead, and we must anticipate Leftist violence as well.

The bottom line, however, President Trump will not be slated against Joe-Joe Biden in 2024. In fact, a more likely bet would be that there will not be an election in 2024.

Those of us who are inclined to pray, let us do so that our beloved country will survive the next fifteen months of destiny.