The Gargling Death Knell of Gun Control Plus Smart Guns Are Here Though They Are Not the Answer

The gurgling death knell of Gun Control is audible to the naked ear of most Second Amendment proponents.

The anti-government Governors from the desert of New Mexico to the hills of Tennessee are licking their wounds—and conspiring to violate the U.S. Constitution yet again—as their recent gun control gambits have failed.

But let us not become presumptuous nor sit back and rest on our laurels. We have work to do.

This from

Judicial adherence to the Constitution is allowing the Second Amendment not only to remain alive but to thrive, however, We the People must expect continued unconstitutional challenges at every juncture.

Also, the first ‘smart gun’ has been successfully developed with plans to ship to firearm retailers in December, therefore [promising] the gun cannot be operated by unauthorized users. Proponents say these guns will prevent accidental deaths, deter armed thefts, and thefts of arms.

However, We the People know full well not to bet on a “sure thing” and not to trust a promise from the federal government. In other words, let us not trust our lives or the lives of our loved ones on something no more dependable to function effectively that smartphones and electric cars. These guns utilize the advanced technology wave of fingerprint verification and facial recognition cameras. These new smart guns may be okay for range use or backyard target practice but it’ll be decades before they reach ninety-plus percent dependability.

Side Note: I’ve known people who refuse to carry a semi-auto handgun for self-defense. They’ve experienced that occasional failure-to-feed and choose to carry revolvers. My father was one of those people. He owned several semi-autos, and enjoyed shooting them at the range but he could not bring himself to depend on one.

Anyway, I digress. Smart gun technology has been in the works since 2002, and I see researchers tackling problems with this concept for another three-four decades at least. Long enough to take me out of the purchasing market.

Governors who fail to believe our Federal and State Constitutions and their oaths of office are absolute guarantee to bring future challenges. We the People are presently ahead in the Gun Control battle thanks to President Trump’s installation of conservative judges and three occasionally conservative Supreme Court Justices, but we can expect this battle to continue as long as “shall not be infringed” remains above the understandability of some Americans.

God speed to Conservatism and to the Take Back of our Constitutional Republic.