A Radical Progressive Announces Primary Bid Against Biden—Is Natural Born Citizenship Really Necessary?

The significance of this story is not that Cenk Uygur, founder of The Young Turks—an American left-wing, sociopolitical, progressive news and commentary program, but also the organization and impetus behind the radical leftist cabal in Congress with the nom de guerre of ‘The Squad’—announced on Wednesday that he intends to run for President of the United States.

Despite what he may think about the U.S. Constitution, such a venture is fools play, particularly after America has been painfully bit by the BHO-non-citizenship bug. No, the significance of this story is that Cenk Uygur’s campaign may further split the vote for an already diminishing democrat/communist/globalist crime syndicate performance at the poll.

This from dailywire.com.

The progressive commentator—an immigrant from Turkey—reportedly said he does not believe the U.S. Constitution’s “natural born citizen” clause will disqualify him in a campaign for the Democratic Party’s 2024 nomination against Joe-Joe Biden.

Afterall, the nbc clause did not hinder BHO’s campaign for the presidency nor did it stop Dear Kamala from being installed as VP. (Although the 14th Amendment is unclear, and the SCOTUS refused to hear challenges.)

In speaking with Semafor (a left-leaning news source), Uygur predicted a “slam dunk” victory if and when the issue reaches the U.S. Supreme Court, suggesting the legal challenge was a “good reason” to run.

He added:

I’m tired of 25 million Americans having this albatross around their neck.

And “this albatross” is, of course, the U.S. Constitution. Another useful idiot believes our Constitution is overdue time for change.

Uygur, 53, previously ran an unsuccessful campaign in 2020 for a U.S. House seat vacated by former Rep. Katie Hill (D-CA), but eligibility for a congressional seat is different from the requirements for the presidency.

As stated in Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution:

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President.

Uygur’s entry into the race came two days after Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced that he was ending his bid for the democrat crime syndicate’s presidential nomination to run as an independent.

Uygur said in his post to X:

Yes, I’m running against Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination.

Joe Biden is down 24 points on the economy.

He has no ability to make up that kind of ground on the most important issue. We need a new candidate now!

Uygur may peel off The Squad and several hands full of their constituents, RFK Jr. will peel of a sizable chunk of the un-radicalized portion of the dem party, Trump too will peel off what many presume will is already a large-and-growing number of dem voters, leaving Joe-Joe or whomever not nearly enough votes to fabricate another steal.

The only option remaining for the communist/globalist crime syndicate may be to postpone the election. Should we anticipate a false flag?

God speed to the Take Back of our Constitutional Republic and God speed to President Trump.