‘America Funded It’: Rand Paul Blasts Fauci and the Media for Suppressing the Lab Leak Theory

The notion that COVID-19 came from a lab was once touted as misinformation. But now the FBI, the Energy Department, and others agree with Paul.

This from reason.com.

Remember when Sen. Rand Paul (R–KY) accused then–White House COVID-19 adviser Anthony Fauci of funding China’s Wuhan virus lab?

Fauci replied:

Senator Paul, you do not know what you’re talking about.

The media loved it. Vanity Fair smirked:

Fauci Once Again Forced to Basically Call Rand Paul a Sniveling Moron.

But now the magazine has changed its tune, admitting:

In Major Shift, NIH Admits Funding Risky Virus Research in Wuhan [and] Paul might have been onto something.

Then what about question two: Did COVID-19 occur because of a leak from that lab?

When Paul confronted Fauci, having said:

The evidence is pointing that it came from the lab!

Fauci responded:

I totally resent the lie that you are now propagating.

Was Paul lying? What’s the truth?

The media told us COVID came from an animal, possibly a bat.

But in a new video, Paul points out there were:

[R]eports of 80,000 animals being tested. No animals with it.

Now he’s released a book, Deception: The Great Covid Cover-Up, that charges Fauci and others with funding dangerous research and then covering it up.

Paul said:

Three people in the Wuhan lab got sick with a virus of unknown origin in November of 2019.

The Wuhan lab is 1,000 kilometers away from where bats live.

Today the FBI, the Energy Department, and others agree with Paul. They believe COVID most likely came from a lab.

Paul was asked:

COVID came from evil Chinese scientists, in a lab, funded by America?

He responded:

America funded it, maybe not done with evil intentions. It was done with the misguided notion that ‘gain-of-function’ research was safe.

Gain-of-function research includes making viruses stronger.

The purpose is to anticipate what might happen in nature and come up with vaccines in advance.

So, Paul is given push back:

They’re trying to find ways to stop diseases!

He responded:

Many scientists have now looked at this and said, ‘We’ve been doing this gain-of-function research for quite a while.’

The likelihood that you create something that creates a vaccine that’s going to help anybody is pretty slim to none.

Paul then pointed out that Fauci supported “gain-of-function” research.

Fauci wrote:

He said in 2012, even if a pandemic occurs…the knowledge is worth it. The benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks.

Paul responded:

Well, that’s a judgment call. There’s probably 16 million families around the world who might disagree with that.

Fauci and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) didn’t give money directly to the Chinese lab. They gave it to a nonprofit, EcoHealth Alliance. The group works to protect people from infectious diseases.

Paul said:

They were able to accumulate maybe over $100 million in U.S. taxpayer dollars, and a lot of it was funneled to Wuhan.

EcoHealth Alliance is run by zoologist Peter Daszak. Before the pandemic, Daszak bragged about combining coronaviruses in Wuhan.

Once COVID broke out, Daszak became less eager and then unwilling to talk about these experiments.

Paul complained:

Peter Daszak has refused to reveal his communications with the Wuhan lab.

I do think that ultimately there is a great deal of culpability on his part.… They squelched all dissent and said, ‘You’re a conspiracy theorist if you’re saying this [came from a lab],’ but they didn’t reveal that they had a monetary self-incentive to cover this up.

The author said to Paul:

The media is weirdly uncurious about this.

Paul responded:

We have a disease that killed maybe 16 million people. And they’re not curious as to how we got it?


Also, our NIH still funds gain of function research.

Then Paul warned:

This is a risk to civilization. We could wind up with a virus…that leaks out of a lab and kills half of the planet.

Paul’s book reveals much more about Fauci and EcoHealth Alliance. More will be revealed.