Commentary: What Islam Is Not

What is Islam? To answer this question, we must first understand what Islam is not. Islam is not a religion.

This from

The never-ending spread, Islam does not coexist, it conquers and subsumes.

Islam is an authoritarian, political ideology that forcibly imposes itself on all aspects of any society unfortunate enough to be under its yoke. Islam demands complete subjugation by its adherents. Under Islam, there is:- [N]o democracy,

 – [N]o free speech,

 – [N]o freedom of religion,

 – [N]o freedom of the press,

 – [N]o minority rights, and

 – [N]o right to love whoever you desire.

Islam allows no dissent.  It is a complete and total way of life that glorifies oppression, slavery, and death. Again, Islam IS NOT a religion, however, it does have religious component and it also has legal, political, economic, cultural, and military components as well.

The religious component is the veil that hides

the dangers of its all-encompassing ideology.

Islam was founded in the 7th century by the Businessman/Prophet Mohammed.  From its beginnings, Islam never attempted or bothered to convert “non-believers” by friendly persuasion.  Instead, Islam converted non-believers by conquest and forcible conversion—those who refused were slaughtered.  By the mid-8th century, Islam had conquered all the lands from the Indus River, in the east, across North Africa to the Iberian Peninsula, in the west.  During that period of conquest, if subjects did not convert to Islam, they were put to the sword.  To this day, most of those lands are still under the control of Islam.  There are few exceptions: Spain and Portugal—which during the 15th century, managed to free themselves from the scourges of Islam—and Israel too.

Modern day Islam is just as oppressive and dangerous as was 8th century Islam.  That’s because culturally, Islam still enforces the same tenets they did 1,200 years ago. These tenets, practices, and ways of life include:

 – Islam enforces edicts against homosexuality to the point of executing homosexuals,

 – As for women, of the ten worst countries for women’s rights, seven of them are [Islamic], and

 – The Quran clearly states that women are subordinate to men, and men may beat their wives (Quran 4:34),

With Islam, there’s a fine line between oppressing women and enslaving them:

 – Islam practices female genital mutilation, a barbaric practice (look it up and be disgusted),

 – [W]omen must be escorted in public, largely because it’s too dangerous for them to walk alone (rape and assaults are common),

 – [W]omen must cover their bodies from head to foot, and

 – [V]ery few education opportunities which result in limited employment opportunities.

Today, in the year 2023, Islam practices slavery.

Click HERE and HERE for details.

Yes, the actual commodification of other human beings, and the world stands silent. Islamists also engage in jihad, rape, and pedophilia—yes, the rape of children is acceptable and common place in Islam (bacha bāzī).

Additional shock and sadness can be seen in the clip below, from CNN no less:

Recently Islamists:

 – [Beheaded] its enemies (Dec 27, 2019 in Nigeria),

 – [Burned] people alive in cages,

– [Amputated] the hands of criminals, and

 – [Engaged] in “honor” killings of female relatives (Texas 2008).

There is nothing honorable about a father (or a brother) who kills his daughter (or his sister) because he does not agree with her actions. Adulterers (and even some female rape victims) can be stoned to death, and polygamy is allowed.  Earlier this year, an Iranian couple was sentenced to ten years in prison for dancing in public.  To say that Islam has nothing in common with Western culture is an understatement.  Islam vehemently opposes, and wants to destroy, Western society.  Proof of every vile, barbaric, and evil practice engaged in by Islamists was rolled up into one event—Hamas’s attack last month on Israel.

For much of America’s history, Americans did concern themselves with the evils of Islam. We did not worry about it largely because we are an ocean apart, and Islam’s 12th century society could not much affect or threaten us. Nevertheless, America’s first foreign war was fought in the early 19th century against the Islamic states along the Barbary Coast of North Africa. Also, throughout most of the 20th century, our focus was on the evils in Europe—Nazism and communism. It was not until the 1970’s that most Americans became aware of the dangers of Islam. That was when the Arabs used world oil markets to achieve their political goals. Then, in 1979, Iranians seized the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and held 52 Americans hostage for 444 days. Ever since then, the Middle East and Islam have played a central role in America’s foreign policy.

A problem with American foreign policy is that no president, from Nixon all the way through to our current crumbling Regime, has properly understood Islam, the best example being Bush’s post-9/11 statement: “Islam is a religion of peace.” That was an idiotic statement, given that 3,000 Americans had just been slaughtered in the name of Islam. The United States’ lack of understanding would not be a problem if we weren’t in the 21st century—but we are.

[A] 12th century ideology of hatred and death

is a huge problem given modern technologies which

give Islamists the ability to wander the globe killing,

maiming, and enslaving in the name of their ideology.

Past and recent events have forced the United States to deal with Islamists despite the liberally inclined amongst us who refuse to see Islam for what it is—the evilest of any totalitarian form of rule ever devised by man, above and beyond the throes of Nazi and communist tyrants and authoritarian regimes. The evils of Islam have no place in a civilized society of unalienable rights.

NOTE: Islam does not want peace; it preaches struggle, constant struggle, because it is an ideology that uses religion. The Islamists amongst us—I’m thinking of those few troublemakers in Congress but there are many others—must be removed from their positions of authority for the betterment—and for the survival—of America.

Specifically, to those who disregard the dangers of Islam and the Islamists amongst us, believing they are a mere small percentage of our population. Please note, moslems outbreed other cultures and anywhere Islam is the majority, there is oppression, conflict, and struggle. In Islamic countries, violent conflicts, struggles, and oppression have been ongoing for fifteen hundred years; no end in sight, and it is important to remember that above all, Islam is not a religion—it is an ideology as dangerous and evil as any ideology ever conceived, using religion as a rationale and a disguise.