Hamas Terrorists Surrender en Masse, and the Photos and Videos Are Telling

Hamas terrorists have started to surrender en masse in the area of Khan Younis, one of the terrorist government’s last strongholds.

The latest advance has the IDF operating in Southern Gaza, a move that has sparked outrage among those who want Israel to stop short of destroying Hamas (but hide that desire behind humanitarian concerns).

This from redstate.com.

Below photos and videos of Hamas fighters stripped to their underwear have begun to circulate showing the sheer numbers of prisoners being taken.

We can expect the United Nations and the rest of the “international community” to claim that strip-searching terrorists before detaining them is somehow a violation of the laws of war.

We all know that’s coming, and there have already been a myriad of articles (such as this one from Reuters) quoting “Gaza health officials” claiming humanitarian abuses. To its credit, Israel is ignoring all the noise, including coming from The Obiden Regime, and is focusing on its ultimate goal.

PM Benjamin Netanyahu, speaking for the current unity government, has said that destroying Hamas is how this ends, and the IDF is continuing that pursuit. Some reports have even put Yahya Sinwar, the military leader of Hamas, in tunnels underneath Khan Younis. If that turns out to be true, Israel could be closing in on delivering its biggest blow yet.

Returning to the pictures of Hamas terrorists being taken prisoner, there are some things to note. Take this one on the beach as an example.

The war against Hamas is now two months old, with the initial attack from the terrorists coming on October 7th.

During that time, we’ve been assured that everyone is starving in Gaza due to the evil siege being carried out by Israel. In that picture, though, I see a whole lot of man boobs and beer guts. What does that tell you? It tells you that Hamas has been stealing aid and keeping its fighters well-fed as they cower underground.

Lastly, here’s a picture of prisoners lined up in the heart of Khan Younis.

If Hamas terrorists are waving the white flag in the center of one of their last strongholds, that’s a good sign that things could end sooner rather than later. Surrender is contagious, and hopefully, the will to fight among Hamas’ rank and file continues to deteriorate.

Final thoughts: It’s a Trick. Hamas surrenders to live to kill another day.